Make/Integromat doubt
I need to automate a process with Make and I have a problem. I have created a Yes/No field and from Make I´m able to modify it. In this field I have written a code in Trigger after the change like…
Exported Printpages to Imagefield getting overwritten after selecting a different datarecord
i have a table which has some values stored which are getting printed and also saved in a image-field. i have like 10 different Print-templates and every template is used to save it as a PDF in the…
Problem Dynamic Print Layout - iteration
Hello, I'm having problems with my dynamic report - Json - Word. I have data iterations, but they don't want to repeat on the document. I use {d.geo[i+1]} but they don't appear on the final result.…
- Answered
Dynamic Printing Table layout
Hi all - So I'm trying to format a table in dynamic printing where every other line is a different color. I thought you could just format the second line in a different color, but it doesn't show up.…
- Answered
Dynamische Drucklayout - conditional line breaks
Hallo Zusammen, ich mache ein dynamisches Drucklayout und muss Zeilenumbrüche aufgrund von Inhalten machen. Es ist mir klar, dass dies auch via Script geht, ich würde es aber gerne im Template können.…
Print and Delete buttons are not active
Hello friends, Can someone please help me understand how can I activate the "Print" and "Delete" buttons on the default Table View in Ninox. I am developing this CRM for my employer that is being…
Print Layout is not being saved
Hi there, i am using Ninox standalone version 3.10.11 on MacOS in sync with iCloud. I have made an extra Print Layout and saved it. But when i close and restart Ninox the Print layout is disappeared.…
Printing with Carbone: Changing line height in table with newlines
Hello, In ninox, I have a table which contains text with new lines. Example: "Introduction This is an example..." When I first printed it to Carbone it would not display the line breaks…
Print Layout - Group filter
I'm Trying to create a print layout filtered by week and grouped by drivers, but it print layout when grouped, each group is closed and only shows totals for each driver.…
Merge visible PDF in one file
I have a table named "Allegati". Inside it, there's a field called "File" which contains a PDF. In another table called "DOC FIERA", I have created a reference to "Allegati" in such a way that if a…
Dynamic print layout images showing up as grey squares with custom JSON
Hello, Because printing in bulk with the dynamic print layouts results in error (because size), I'v tried to use the work around mentioned in the support section, by using custom JSON.…
Issue/Bug in report creation
Can anyone confirm that there is a 'bug' in the report engine where with a long field list there is no scroll option when adding a field at the bottom of a list. Refer the screen shot below.…
Printing attachments
Hi, I needed to print the attached record file. I found a solution, but is there a better way? openURL(shareFile(file(record, fileName))) In other words,…
Dynamic Reports
Trying to create a table of check using a WORD document with no success at all so far. The first screenshot is the Word table with fields which I believe is correct.…
Scripting a button to print text from a choice field?
I'm making a print template for an envelope, with a button to print. In the table, there is a choice field for "Active Location" - example, choices are Site A, Site B & Site C.…
How can I display in the print layout the same table-view as displayed? The table-view is displayed with a different order of column and has filtered fields....
Print Layout: Sorting a subtable via a 'hidden' field?
Hi, I have a print layout with a subtable which contains three columns. I need to sort the subtable output by a field which I don't want on the actual print layout,…
Is there a known problem with dynamic printing?
In the last couple of days, all my attempts to dynamic print failed. Even if I try to print a blank page, I continually get an error message! Does anyone else face the same problem?
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Create sequential row numbers in invoice print form
I've modified the Invoice Template to make invoices and "line sheets" for a jewelry company; see screen shots of Invoice tab and the printed form. However, the Record #'s are fixed,…
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How to format a date+time field in a dynamic print layout
Hello, I would appreciate your help because I'm stuck with the following: How do we format a date+time field to display only the date in dynamic printing? I have tried to add the Carbone formatter [:…
- Answered
in Print pdf when..
如何将这些元素居中? (红线) 谢谢!
Draw a line between a few points (iow draw a printable chart)
Hi all! As you can see in the picture there are a few line charts, with lines that connect some points. Those "points" (x) are generated via an if-then algorithm (if score = 19 then "x" else "-" end…
Print Dashboard
Hello! I created this dashboard and I love it but I can't find a way to print it. I own a bakery and this is for the delivery orders. The tables below are views.…
Print report with Multiple choice....how!
This screen shot is pretty much how I would like my report to look: There are three multiple choice fields. When I print this, I get a concat of the choice fields but what I am hoping to achieve is a…
Dynamic Reports - my first attempt
Hi there, Here I was thinking it would be straight forward. I have a docx template and in Word I added {d.'PROJECT TITLE'} as a data field (it's spelt correctly, all UPPER).…
- Answered
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