How do you distribute changes to a database to other users
if i provide my database to another user and then later I update that database with new functionality how can I send the other user the updated database so that they can update their copy easily and…
Make/Integromat doubt
I need to automate a process with Make and I have a problem. I have created a Yes/No field and from Make I´m able to modify it. In this field I have written a code in Trigger after the change like…
Export child table
I might be wrong but there doesn't seem a native way how to export records in a child table. Seems the best option atm is to use the ninext from @Jacques TUR https://forum.ninox.…
- Answered
Sending emails reminders automatically in Enterprise version
Hi there. I'm searching the forums but can't find an answer for my needs. We have an Enterprise account, and want/need to send a remainder to our costumers when certain event occurs (time based):…
Exported Printpages to Imagefield getting overwritten after selecting a different datarecord
i have a table which has some values stored which are getting printed and also saved in a image-field. i have like 10 different Print-templates and every template is used to save it as a PDF in the…
CSV Import not working on Mac App
I used to use the cloud version of Ninox to all my databases and used to import data via a CSV file. Recently i moved from the cloud version to the Mac App.…
Exporting all data
I have a table with a lot of columns and i want to export it to CSV. I can only export visible data, is it possible to export all columns (visible and hidden) or any way to make all columns visible…
Calculate opening days for a short time & CSV import problem
Hi there, We use Ninox database to manage temporary items. Each day we received parcels (like undelivered UPS or FedEx parcels), and head company ask us to keep them 5 opening days for customers…
google script POST to Ninox not working
Hi, I want to send data from Google Sheets to Ninox with API. In Google Script editor I added the following code (so its not a Ninox code): function updateNinox() { var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.…
Import not seeing all data
Hi all - I'm testing out a manual restore of my DB and encountered an issue where Ninox doesn't see the data in the csv. I've made a small replica of the DB, attached.…
Importing QuickBooks transaction report to create tables in Ninox
I have several QuickBooks companies that I would like to switch over to Ninox. I would export the data from QuickBooks from a detailed transaction report via excel and then import it into Ninox.…
Locked out of our private server !
We have a licence extension to 27th November but have been locked out of the system over the weekend - this is outrageous. The support team are unresponsive to emails - I suspect intentionally so.…
Linking records via Make.com
Dear Ninox-Community, I have an issue when using Make.com for which I am seeking your support. I´ve set up several scenarios, in which I use the "Create Record" module in Make.com.…
Video Field versus Image Field
Is there a field for importing a video into a database that can later be played on demand? - John
Moving from mac app to Ninox cloud
Hello all, Been getting a white screen only on the Map App so decided to move my business database to the Ninox cloud. I signed up for a free trial of ninox cloud and uploaded my archive database.…
- Answered
Is it possible to merge two records in same db?
I have a contact db and wanted to update the records that originate in Google Contacts. I created a csv and mapped the fields, then mapped the fields with identical labels, e.g. First Name, Surname.…
- Answered
Export file excel in a subtable.
In my record that have a subtable that I need to export to a file excel, how do i do that?
Invoice in XML (structured format)
Hi all, Do you have a tip : how to export invoices in XML structured format ?
Importing Data into a Dynamic Choice Field
I know this was addressed many years back and at the time it did not appear to be a solution. However, has anyone come up with a way to import data into a dynamic choice field when the text being…
.db encryption key
I need to export my data with photos to another database system. The only method seems to be to archive the database, change the file extension from .ninox to .…
How to get to images to edit
Can anyone tell me on icloud how I can get to the images for my database and crop and edit them and update? Thanks
Zapier and Ninox Formula Fields
It looks like Zapier doesn't want to recognize Ninox formula fields as I'm setting up my trigger. Have any of you found a workaround? Can I maybe copy the info in my formula field to a text field?…
Auto-populate pricing from another table?
Ok Ninox wizards, now I'm trying to auto-populate some pricing and job details. Here are the top level details: Main table is 'Job Status Log' which has 100s of job entries that are connected to my...…
Select result if more then one - Rest API
Hi, I have an API-Code in Ninox let auth := { Authorization: "Bearer TOKENNR", 'Content-Type': "application/json" }; let Paiva := 'Inserisci p.iva (solo nr) o cod.fisc.…
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