Problem Dynamic Print Layout - iteration

I'm having problems with my dynamic report - Json - Word.
I have data iterations, but they don't want to repeat on the document. I use {d.geo[i+1]} but they don't appear on the final result. If I use a table with columns, result is same.
I tested my loop to make sure that the JSON code was able to collect the data (I see datas with coma like separator) and it works, but not in the final output. The [i+1] doesn't work.
Does anyone know of a solution to this problem? I have an important report to render and would like to automate the process in Ninox.
Many thanks in advance. :-)
9 replies
If your doc that just has
Does anything print?
In your table Cadastre is there another reference field called Cadastre? I ask because your Ninox code has that structure.
geo: for i in Cadastre order by ID do { ID: i.Cadastre.ID }
Can you post a sample of your JSON for geo?
If I have this in my Carbone code:
Event 1:
Event 2:
Event 3:
Event 4:
It shows up like:
so it should work.
geo: for i in Cadastre do { ID:i.Cadastre.ID commune: i.Cadastre.'Commune cadastrale', section: i.Cadastre.'Section cadastrale', numero: i.Cadastre.'N° Cadastral', contAre: i.Cadastre.Ares, contCenti: i.Cadastre.Centiares, type: i.Cadastre.NomTypeCadastre } end, jSON code
Can you post a sample DB?
Hello Fred,
Thanks for taking the time to follow up on this post.
I found the solution. I had a problem with a loop higher up in my document.
I tested the iteration on a blank document and it works. I went back to my document and removed each part to test them. I found the solution: a higher loop with my customers was endless.Thanks for your help
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- Status Answered
- 2 mths agoLast active
- 9Replies
- 89Views