Alert not working
I have a formula that looks for duplicate records and if it finds one or more than it should bring back an alert. Not working anymore. Any suggestions? let xLast := 'Last Name'; let xFirst :…
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Ninox Bug Report 14.0
Here are a list of some bugs I have identified with the newest version: Rich Text Fields are not encoded properly in print view when using HTML A white screen flashes up occasionally (began in…
Locked out of our private server !
We have a licence extension to 27th November but have been locked out of the system over the weekend - this is outrageous. The support team are unresponsive to emails - I suspect intentionally so.…
Ninox cannot fix email issue
Any send email function does not work. Over the past few months inconsistent operation of email function. Multiple requests fix issue but then only works for a day.…
Dynamic choice (programatically selected)
Hi All, My doctor only wants to see the items that are relevant to an appointment. Items is a dynamic choice field. I am able to find out the items that he can't charge for that appointment,…
Forum Login issues with Safari and Google Chrome in Mac OS
Since maybe 2-3 months, I can't login to the forums from neither Safari nor Chrome, only using Firefox without any extensions. When I log into main page,…
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Expression to extract text in a string to the right after a dash character
I need to extract text in strings (product labels) after a dash character. An example string: Pavé Nameplate Necklace - "ADHD". Ideally, the result would be ADHD, but "ADHD" works as well,…
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Dropdown menu on database icon not working
The dropdown menu on the upper right corner of the database icon at the Ninox home screen (showing rename, and other functions) doesn't work since update 3.11.5 update (Mac desktop version).…
Parse Dynamic Multiple Choice into JSON object
I have a DMC field that takes these values (dynamic value): let all_entities := (select elements); let my_event := this; let my_elements := ((select elements where 'parent entry'.…
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Coding a popup dialog in a for loop if error
I've been reading that loops cannot be coded to exit. But I'm trying to figure out if there could be a way by adding an if statement somewhere in the code.…
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Button script to select/link record on child table
Using the Invoice Template, I have a the 'Invoice' Table with an embeded 'Invoice Items' table. I add items to 'Invoice Items' by selecting existing records previously input in the 'Article' table.…
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Zapier and Ninox Formula Fields
It looks like Zapier doesn't want to recognize Ninox formula fields as I'm setting up my trigger. Have any of you found a workaround? Can I maybe copy the info in my formula field to a text field?…
Auto-populate pricing from another table?
Ok Ninox wizards, now I'm trying to auto-populate some pricing and job details. Here are the top level details: Main table is 'Job Status Log' which has 100s of job entries that are connected to my...…
QR Code management
Hello everyone. I would like to start managing QR Codes in my database. I saw on the forum that creating a QR Code is actually quite simple. “It is enough”, in summary,…
Mileage Chart Spreadsheet to Ninox Table
What would be the best way to put the data from a Mileage Chart Spreadsheet into a Ninox Table for look up? These are the fields that I am thinking of…Origin, Destination, Mileage.…
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Formula with calculation between two different times
I want to make a different text for each hour, and then make the text coloured red when the hour (now) is in between a chosen time. What is wrong with this example? Example: if time(now()) > time(9.…
Is it possible to split the Location field to several address formula fields in Ninox?
I want the Location filed to split and copy the address to several fields like Street, ZIP, City etc, is that possible?
Adding and removing items from a list
Hi From the list myPersona I have to delete names that I find in the list myEsclusi and add names that I find in the list myAggiunti. Can you please help me.
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Script to confirm date-time availability
I'm an "intermediate" MacOS app user, with a database to track short-term house-rentals. I need a script to confirm availability or flag date-time conflicts as I enter new bookings.…
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Extract year from date field in text format
Hello. I have a date field in text, format DD/MM/YYYY. How can I have an fx-formula field that returns only the year? For today, 15/09/2022, the formula field must return 2022.…
Creating a Button That Goes to Table with only Linked Records
I have been searching endlessly and can't find the correct formula. I want to create a button that when you click on it, it will display the child table but only the linked records to that specific…
Neuer Editor Auto-Ergänzung ist ein absoluter Sch...
Könnt Ihr bitte diese Autoergänzung abstellen oder zumindest in der nächsten Version einen Ausschalter einbauen? Es macht keinen Spaß mehr Ninox-Anwendungen zu bauen.…
List field content using rsort()
I'm trying to print a list of all entries in a given field between two specified dates. With the precious help of other posts in this forum I managed to get the list but it still brings up all the…
Automatically Displaying referenced data based on String
Hello, I'm sorry if this is a dumb question but I can't seem to figure it out. I'm attempting to use Ninox to help organize summer camps. Based on already imported data,…
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