Print report with Multiple choice....how!

This screen shot is pretty much how I would like my report to look:
There are three multiple choice fields.  When I print this, I get a concat of the choice fields but what I am hoping to achieve is a check list with each checked item (or all with ticks in applicable) so an engineer can tick each that is 'okay' and add comments where required.

Is this even doable?  I would prefer not to mess with Dynamic reports.  

If a report is not feasible, can it be exported in a similar way as a spreadsheet? 

The Check List table contains a variety of 'system types' which apply to a specific 'room install type - Location'.

N-Location : 1-Check Types

6 replies

    • Kruna
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Alan,

    Iam not quite sure, if I understand right. Is it that you would like to print kind of checklist? So when you check, you see in print mode lets say (x) ?

    Can you please post a sample data base? It would be easier for me to understand and help, if I can :-)

      • Alan_Cooke
      • 1 yr ago
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       Hi - thanks for the response.  The DB is way too big to upload.


      Ideally what I want to print is all the multichoice lines as they are above with the ticks.  The engineer would then know what needs checking and verifying.  He in turn will tick/comment for each check being done for each room.  Once completed the report would then be filed in a folder with a link placed in the DB.

      • Daniel_Berrow
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

       You can try using contains

      if contains(numbers('video tests'), 1) then icon("check")


      if contains(text('video tests'), "Display Image") then icon("check")

      something along these lines may work, and then add a row in the pdf template per item choice

    • Kruna
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    HI Alan,


    ok no problem, I created a sample db. I think its a bit tricky and a you'll need a workaround.

    You will need to create a text field for each choice and a text field for each choice chosen.

    In the sample I colored the box, just to show in case its needed.

    You can also use Emojis instead of x, it will be also printed.


    Daniel Berrow


    didnt work for me as it just showed the word "check" instead of the icon. Is it just me or is this the way it has to be?



      • Daniel_Berrow
      • 1 yr ago
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       Tbh I didn't know if an Icon would work or not😅

      I was just trying to copy what was in the original design as much as possible, but i'm sure you can use "✔" or something similar in place using its ascii code

      • Kruna
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      ah ok, thanks - then Im fine 😅.

      Yes, you can also use all Emojis like ✅✔️ ☑️  or else too, always set in quotation marks.