Multi language solutions best practices
Hi again. I don't know if this is the best place for this question, but I will try... Here in Spain, about 70% of our clients sell their products and services in at least 3 languages: Spanish,…
- Answered
New 3.6 Script Editor
Is there a way of turning off the auto-complete function in the new 3.6 script editor? If I want 2x " (double-quotes) or a pair of braces () or {} then it assumes I always want a pair.…
All I want for Christmas!
Ninox Support (When you are monitoring this forum - Please pay attention to this Santa Wish List thread. This is what your user base are listing here because we need a few (err probably more that…
- Answered
New Member Introduction - Seeking Guidance and Tips
Hi Everyone, I am eager to join the Ninox community. My name is Mitchel and I am form USA. I am looking forward to exploring this forum and getting more familiar with Ninox.…
Pass current viewing record Id to a view element column formula
Hi all - I have a table that has a view element. I'm trying to do formulas in the view element that requires data from the record I'm viewing. As we know,…
Ninext : Important information
This message is addressed to all those who use the Ninext project. I regret to announce that the Ninext project will be unusable on Ninox very soon. This should happen at the beginning of February.…
Function parameters - which types are possible
I've found this old post https://ninox.com/en/forum/technical-help-5ab8fe445fe2b42b7dd39ee7/types-of-parameters-for-a-private-function-5c0962c08d9fa6683abafc7d And not really any docs on the topic.…
Weird switch issue
I'm using the MacOS app, so if I put this in a formula field: switch Number do case Number < 5: 10 case Number > 5: 20 end with Number being a number field in the same table.…
Improve Gantt view
Hi everyone, A lot of questions about gantt view but no answer on the forum. Is there any way to improve the standard gantt view ? (Milestones, shapes, colours). Thanks
How can change number to text. For example amount in invoice is 5000usd . I will see text too in down invoice. Five thousand dollars
Ninox on iPad Stopped Saving Changes
It's only happened once, and I got around it, but it's made me nervous about making changes, so I'm hoping for a bit of feedback - has it happened to other people,…
UD Array Functions by Index
This has definitely been a progression. Typically, array manipulation is done by using the array's index rather than by the index value and that's how these functions work.…
Full screen button , maybe the solution I was looking for since a while...
Finally I think that I've gotten a definitive way to nicely handle a fullscreen home menu button. I was doing an Intranet project and i needed to have a nice "homepage" with full of informations on…
Non-Stacked Bar Chart, Customize "Y" Axis Minimum Value
Is it possible to customize the "Y" axis of a non-stacked bar chart to have a minimum value of zero even when none of the displayed values on the graph is zero?…
MacOs Ventura and date format issue
Hi, I've downloaded MacOS Ventura and date format has changed. All dates are now with this format : "4 nov.2022" instead of "04/11/2022" . MacOs Ventura System Settings do not permtit now to choose…
Comments icon hi-lite like Attachments.
In another post wrt hiliting the paper clip this code was advised: if count(files(this)) != 0 then html(" <style> .i-light-grey.i-attachment { background-color: #a9a9a9; border-radius: 4px;…
Using a button to export multiple records
I typically use the gear to export a selection of records to a CSV/Excel sheet. What I would like to do is do this using a button. How does one code for this?
How to Calculate Cumulative Sum
I have this info on my Table COST_W, I have the Week, the Cost by Week, but I need a Formula for calculate the Cumulative Sum. On the Table EV_Management is where I charge the Cost by Activitie and…
- Answered
No wrench at top right
I am using the latest Mac Ninox app on Monterey and there is no wrench at the top right to enter the edit mode. How do I get to edit mode?
- Answered
Open a URL in a table from another table.
I have a table 'locations' in which I have a field (URL) to a OneDrive folder to display a file associated with a record (a room drawing). In a child table 'project equipment' I have a formula that…
Use "select ... where ..." or "select ... [...]"?
Proposition: It is preferred to use "select mytable where criteria" over "select mytable[criteria]". I only recently saw in the forum the use of a square bracket criteria expression on a select…
Set an alarm for a date?
How do I set an alarm or get a notfication when a date occurs? I want to be reminded when someone owes me money sometime in the future.
merge pdf
Hello, In my database when I send a bill from a customer, I have to create two documents. The invoice in pdf and the payment in pdf. After that, I sent it by email.…
images in rich text do not appear in the PDF export – Need help!
I have 5 fields in my Ninox database: Tittle Description Img1 Img2 Img3 Rich Text I have created a button with this formula: Rich Text := "<h1>" + Tittle + "</h1>" + "<p>" + Description + "</p>" +…
Dynamic Multiple Choice Field - How to Programmatically Assign
Hi - the latest Ninox update has lots of interesting new features to play with, great to see it launch. Dynamic lists is something we've all been clamouring for.…
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