
To create an event in the Apple Calendar app

✅ Available on our apps for Mac, iPad, and iPhone. Not on web browsers or Android apps.

With this function, you can create a direct entry in Apple's calendar app. If no specific calendar is specified, Ninox creates the entry in the default calendar.


createCalendarEvent(string, string, timestamp, timestamp)

createCalendarEvent(string, appointment)

createCalendarEvent(string, timestamp, timestamp)

createCalendarEvent(string, string, appointment)




createCalendarEvent(calendar, title, from, to) To create an event in a given Apple Calendar with a given title and a given start and end.

createCalendarEvent("Private", "Ninox-Webinar", Start, Duration) 

Result: Creates an entry named "Ninox-Webinar" with the start time from "Start" and the end time calculated from "Duration" in the Apple calendar "Private."

createCalendarEvent(title, appointment) To create an event in the Apple Calendar app with a given title.

createCalendarEvent(title, from, to) To create an event in the Apple Calendar app with a given title and a given start and end.

See also

createCalendarReminder which creates a reminder in the Apple Reminder app.

