
With the function, you can format numbers, date, and time values as you need them, to use them in text or formula fields.

ℹ️ Note: All entries are optional. If you do not specify anything, nothing will be formatted.

If you want to format numbers with this function, you must specify the defaults for formatting in a certain order:

  1. First, specify whether a prefix should be inserted, e.g. a currency symbol.
  2. Should a 1000 separator be inserted?
  3. Specify whether or how many decimal places you want to display.
  4. Specify a unit, e.g. a currency sign.
  5. Type of decimal place separator. In English-speaking countries, this is typically a period (.), while in many other regions a comma (,) is used. Other possible options include single quote (') or double quotes (").
  6. Type of 1000 separator. In English-speaking countries, this is typically a comma (,), while in regions that use a comma as decimal separator, a period (.) or space is common. Other options include single quotation mark (') or double quotation marks (").

❗ Caution: Use double quotes ("") for quotes within a string.

Expected result Formula
238597 format(238597, "")
238597,00 format(238597, ".00")
2387,970 format(2385.97, "0.000#,#")
$2,385.97 format(2385.97, "$#,.#0,0")
2.385,97 € format(2385.97, "#,##0.00 €#,#0.0")


format(number, string)

format(date, string)

format(date, string, string)

format(appointment, string)

format(appointment, string, string)

format(timestamp, string)

format(timestamp, string, string)

format(time, string)




❗ Caution: Your result format may be different depending on your settings.

ℹ️ Note: Examples include both period and comma as decimal separators to accommodate users in different regions. In the English-speaking world, '$2,385.97' format is standard, while in many European countries, '2.385,97 €' would be the expected format.

format(myNumber, formatExpression) to format a given number as a string.

format(2385.97, "#,##0.00 €#,#0.0")

Result: 2.385,97 €

format(2385.97, "$#,.#0,0")

Result: $2,385.97

format(12345, "0000000000")

Result: 0000012345

format(myDate, formatExpression) to format a given date as a string.

format(Date, "ddd, Do MMMM YYYY")


  • Mon, May 31, 2021 (with Date = 05/31/2021) (US)
  • Mon, 31st May 2021 (with Date = 31/05/2021) (UK)

format(myDate, formatExpression, language) to format a given date as a string, where the result shows in a specific language supported by Ninox.

format(myDatetime, formatExpression) to format a given timestamp as a string.


Result: 1622466387 (on May 31, 2021 15:06)

X shows the result without milliseconds. x shows the result with milliseconds.

format(myAppointment, formatExpression) to format a given start of an appointment as a string.

format(myAppointment, formatExpression, language) to format a given start of an appointment as a string, where the result shows in a specific language supported by Ninox.

format(myTime, formatExpression) to format a given time as a string.

format(myDatetime, formatExpression, language) to format a given timestamp as a string, where the result shows in a specific language supported by Ninox.

ℹ️ More information about our date and time format expression .

