To return the URL of a specific file from a record This function allows you to directly link to a specific file (e.g. an image or attachment) stored in a record—perfect for use in PDFs, emails,…
To securely remove a file from a field or record This function removes a file by specifying either: A file object that contains the necessary information (nid and the file name).…
To rename a file in a field or record This function renames a file by specifying either: A file object that contains the necessary information (nid and the file name).…
To return a structured list or array of rows and data from specified CSV text The parseCSV function parses CSV-formatted text into a structured list or array.…
To validate XML documents against an XSD schema The validateXML function checks whether a given XML string conforms to the rules defined by an XSD schema.…
To return the ID of a field This function retrieves the internal identifier of a specified field. A field represents a location stored within a row of a table in a database.…
To return a value of a given field This function retrieves the value of a field. You can use get to access fields by their name or ID, making it easy to extract data for use in scripts and…
To update a value of a given field This function updates a field and its value. You can use set to modify a field by specifying its name or ID as text, such as "Name" or "A.…
With the function, you can format numbers, date, and time values as you need them, to use them in text or formula fields.
Note: All entries are optional.…
To return the week and the year of a given date value You will get the year and the week from a given date value, displayed in the format "YYYY WW." This can help you filter, sort, and group records.…
To return the quarter and the year of a given date value You will get the year and quarter from a given date value displayed in the format "YYYY Q1." This can help you filter, sort, and group records.…
To return the month and the year of a given date value You will get the year and month from a given date value displayed in the format "YYYY/MM". This can help you filtering, sorting,…
To return the year of a given date value This function provides the year from a date value as a number. You can use this function when calculating year numbers as well as filtering, sorting,…
To return the number of working days between 2 given dates With this function, you can calculate the number of working days between 2 given time-related values, with Monday to Friday as working days.…
To return the full weekday name of a given date value With this function you can determine the corresponding weekday as a string from a weekday number with 0 = Monday, 1 = Tuesday, … 6 = Sunday.…
To return a given weekday name as a number With this function, you can determine the corresponding weekday as a number from a weekday name. The weekday is a number with Monday = 0, Tuesday = 1, ...…
To return the weekday of a given date value as a number With this function, you can determine the corresponding weekday from a date value. The weekday is a number with Monday = 0, Tuesday = 1, ...…
To return the calendar week of a given date value This function tells you the week of a given date value as a number with 1st week = 1, 2nd week = 2, … 53rd week = 53. You can use all data types.…
To return Yes (true) if the database is synced with the Ninox Cloud With this function, you attempt to synchronize your data with the Ninox Cloud. If the attempt to synchronize your data with the…
To return the IDs of all collaborators in an array This function will return all collaborators of your workspace. The result will be returned as an array with values of the data user.…
To return the role of a given user Get back all roles the current or a given user is assigned to in a workspace with this function. The result is an array with the role names.…
To return the role of the current or a given user This function finds out for you, which role a user has been assigned. By default Ninox has 2 roles in stock:…
To return the username of a user The function tells you the username of the current or a user.
This refers to the display name that is on file in the profile of the user.…
To return the last name of a user This function will tell you the last name of the current or a given user.
This refers to the last name that is on file in the profile of the user,…
To return Yes (true) if the current user has the admin role With this function, you can check if the current user's role is admin, that is, if they have admin rights.…
Functions are the practical application of the Ninox scripting language to process data and navigate the solution