
To generate a PDF from a record or Carbone template, save it in Ninox's internal file system, and return a download link

This function creates a PDF from a specified record in either a Ninox layout or Carbone template, stores it in Ninox's internal file system, and returns a download link to the file.

You can use this link for internal access or save it as a record attachment using the importFile() function.

❗Caution: This function can only be executed on the client side. For more information, see execution context documentation.

Carbone templates

The printAndSaveRecord function supports Carbone templates, allowing you to optionally add a JSON input to overwrite record fields in the template. You can also apply advanced configuration through the _options parameter for features including test print, password protection, and PDF versioning.


printAndSaveRecord(nid, string)

printAndSaveRecord(nid, string, JSON)


  • record: The record to be saved as a PDF.
  • myLayout: The layout or Carbone template used to format the PDF.
  • data (optional): A JSON object that overwrites the record data in the Carbone template.
  • _options (optional): Additional configuration options for Carbone templates.

_options configuration:

  • testPrint: boolean, default is false. If true, prints a test PDF with a Carbone watermark; this action doesn’t consume Carbone tokens.
  • pdfPassword: string. Protects the PDF with a password.
  • pdfVersion: number. Specifies the PDF version:
    • 0: Default
    • 15: PDF 1.5
    • 16: PDF 1.6
    • 1: PDF/A-1
    • 2: PDF/A-2
    • 3: PDF/A-3

💡Note: _options configurations are stackable, allowing you to apply multiple settings in one function call. For example, you can enable both pdfPassword and pdfVersion for added customization.


link: A URL to the saved PDF file in Ninox's internal file system.


printAndSaveRecord(record, myLayout)

This version of the function works for both Ninox layouts and Carbone templates. It generates and saves a PDF for the specified record and returns a link to the file.


printAndSaveRecord(this, "Invoices")


A link to the generated PDF that follows the Invoices layout: https://dbde0000.ninox.com/AbCD1234/12345xYZzyX/loadfile/Invoices.pdf?

printAndSaveRecord(record, myLayout, data)

1. Overwriting record data

To save a record in a Carbone template as a PDF in the internal file system, returning a link to the file. Record data can be overwritten with a JSON object.


printRecord(this, "Invoices", {
Date: format(if Date = null then Date else today(), "MM/DD/YYYY")


A link to the generated PDF that includes an entry in the Date field: https://dbde0000.ninox.com/AbCD1234/12345xYZzyX/loadfile/Invoices.pdf?

If no entry is provided, today's date will be added. For example, 08/28/2024 for August 28, 2024.

2. Populate a Carbone template (without _options)


printAndSaveRecord(this, "Invoices", {
Name: "Charlie Lee",
Age: 45


A link to the generated PDF where the Name and Age placeholders are replaced by provided values: https://dbde0000.ninox.com/AbCD1234/12345xYZzyX/loadfile/Invoices.pdf?

3. Test print with Carbone watermark

💡 Note: Test printing doesn't use Carbone tokens.


printAndSaveRecord(this, "Invoices", {
Name: "Charlie Lee",
Age: 45,
_options: {
    testPrint: true


A link to the generated test PDF, which includes a Carbone watermark: https://dbde0000.ninox.com/AbCD1234/12345xYZzyX/loadfile/Invoices.pdf?

4. Password-protected PDF


printAndSaveRecord(this, "Invoices", {
  Name: "Charlie Lee",
  Age: 45,
  _options: {
    pdfPassword: "1234"


A link to the generated PDF, which is password-protected with password 1234: https://dbde0000.ninox.com/AbCD1234/12345xYZzyX/loadfile/Invoices.pdf?

5. PDF versioning


printAndSaveRecord(this, "Invoices", {
Name: "Charlie Lee",
Age: 45,
_options: {
    pdfVersion: 1


A link to the generated PDF, which is formatted to PDF/A-1 standards: https://dbde0000.ninox.com/AbCD1234/12345xYZzyX/loadfile/Invoices.pdf?

See also

importFile which imports a file from a URL and saves it as an attachment of a record.

printRecord which prints a record to a PDF in a specified layout and opens it in the default program.

ℹ️ Want to learn more about this topic? Check out the corresponding part of our video tutorial.

