I have multiple operation for on update formula and it wont work!
I have: let t := this;let m := (select Contact).Addresse[number(Contact.ID) = number(t.Contact.ID) and actuel = true and text(Label) = "Maison"].ID;let t := (select Contact).Addresse[number(Contact.…
display problem!
I have this formula to display data on a field... let t := this;(select Prix)[number(ID) = t.Achats.ID_prix_1].Prix and it wont return something. It appear to not interpret the ID_prix_1 as number...…
problem returning an ID
I have the formula: (select shipping)[actuel = true].ID and It return "0" nor nothing but if I change the .ID to another field, it work perfectly! I tried with number() but nothing work... Thanks!
How do I prevent table from update?
I have some article and price. I have some client that have purchased some item and I wish to prevent that if I change the price of this item, the client paid price will also change according to new…
on update formula with multiple choice seem to work only when select an item not unselect...
If I unselect an item, nothing happen until I select one... Is there a way to make it works?
is there a way to follow code execution?
I wish to follow the code execution but I have nothing to do that! I tried to put some alert("test1") inside some condition to test wich condition is trigered...…
Issue with on update formula!
I have a form with some fields. Inside the 'on update' on some fields, I put a formula... it s like some selection and other fields.... and when you select something,…
multiple choice equal to twice the same value!
I have a multiple choice with 6 different choices... I had an issue to use the result in a formula so I made a number field and I put a formula when it s been updated.…
is it possible to include all item in a filter?
I have: let Cl := number(client.ID) (select Achats)[ number(Contact.ID) = Cl and other things....] if I have a contact selected in the client field, it s ok but if the field is empty, it wont work.…