Using templates
Choose between a diverse range of templates or design your own database Ninox offers a variety of different templates that you can use as needed, for instance for your address book, collections,…
Creating a database
Your first program for your data. Store and link your data sensibly ... and quickly find everything again whenever you need it Every Ninox project starts with a database where you store your…
What is an application?
Applications, often simply called apps, are complete, self-contained computer programs developed for end users. Applications perform specific and useful tasks that have nothing to do with the IT…
We show you, step by step, everything that Ninox can do To create your own applications, whether it’s an invoice management system, event calendar or customer management solution (CRM),…
Independent tutorial
Explore printing, table relations and composition, roles and rights management, triggers, and connecting to Integromat
Note: The screenshots shown here might look a bit different from what you see…
Intermediate tutorial
Learn how to reference tables, work with formulas, share your work, import and export data
Note: The screenshots shown here might look a bit different from what you see in your application but the…
Ninox offers a wide range of customizable templates that cover a variety of business and personal ERP use cases