I have multiple operation for on update formula and it wont work!

I have:

let t := this;
let m := (select Contact).Addresse[number(Contact.ID) = number(t.Contact.ID) and actuel = true and text(Label) = "Maison"].ID;
let t := (select Contact).Addresse[number(Contact.ID) = number(t.Contact.ID) and actuel = true and text(Label) = "Travail"].ID;
let a := (select Contact).Addresse[number(Contact.ID) = number(t.Contact.ID) and actuel = true and text(Label) = "Autre"].ID;
ID_adresse_maison := number(first(m)) and (ID_adresse_travail := number(first(t)) and (ID_adresse_autre := number(first(a))));

if I only make one it works but with 3 operation it wont!

1 reply

    • plafontaine44
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I make it work this way:

    let t := this;
    ID_adresse_maison := number(first((select Contact).Addresse[number(Contact.ID) = number(t.Contact.ID) and actuel = true and text(Label) = "Maison"].ID));
    ID_adresse_travail := number(first((select Contact).Addresse[number(Contact.ID) = number(t.Contact.ID) and actuel = true and text(Label) = "Travail"].ID));
    ID_adresse_autre := number(first((select Contact).Addresse[number(Contact.ID) = number(t.Contact.ID) and actuel = true and text(Label) = "Autre"].ID))