Triggers are a cool tool for automating processes Recently, while creating the invoice, we briefly encountered a trigger when we inserted a script at the table level into the Trigger on new record to…
Create invoice
... and suddenly everything is so simple! All settings, formatting, and assignments are complete. Let’s create our first invoice!
If (empty) records have already been created (this can happen due…
Setting up fields - Part 2
Let Ninox do the work ... To automate tasks, we store information in certain fields to assist us. How it works Go to the subtable Invoice Items. Enable edit mode
We go through the (white) fields…
Excursus 2: Composition
... a little more theory Furthermore, we have added a subtable (composition) to the table Invoices, which is very closely linked to the table Invoices. You can see this close connection on the left…
Invoice recipient
We are retrieving information from another table We know who the client of an event is. This link between the event and the company (contact person) has already been added.…
Invoice date
Every invoice needs a date – manually or automatically You can enter the current date manually by clicking on the Date field and select Today, or Add a default value in the Field Settings of the Date…
Excursus 1: Data model (M:N relationship)
A little database theory never hurts... Let's take another look at our data model to better understand what we've done. Here's how it works Go to the database Event Management. Activate editing mode .…
Invoice number
An invoice always requires a unique invoice number. If you wish, you can briefly take a detour to an example use case on another page of our documentation to enter a unique invoice number.…
Setting up fields - Part 1
We assign automations to fields We have created the new table Invoices; now we will assign small "tasks" to the fields. This way, we automate some processes.…
Getting started
We will show you an example of how to create a composition We are still in our example: The event was successful, and champagne was toasted to the 80th birthday of the senior CEO.…
Extra: Customize number format
Select the appropriate number format using Quick Formatting We need to tell the number field to display the values as a price with currency and two decimal places.…
A subtable (composition) creates closer relationships between tables. When we want to write an invoice for consumption after a successful event, the invoice will likely consist of various items.…
1:N relationship
This type of relationship, where 1 record from one table can be assigned to many (N) records from another table, is called a 1:N relationship (i.e., 1 to N relationship).…
Table relationships
Learn more about the types of table relationships and how they are displayed in Ninox From the "Step-by-Step for Advanced Users" section, you know that you can link tables so that information from…
Layers of information
By linking data, you can access information on different levels Since we have linked two tables together, we now have information from both tables available in both tables.…
Linking records
At first glance, not much seems to have happened, but if you take a closer look at your form, you will find a new field called Company. Using this field,…
Adding links
Relate tables to each other to have more options By linking tables together, you get more ways to access data. By linking, you only need to maintain data in one place,…
Getting started
For our example, we will create another table to link data. Create Another Table To illustrate the advantages of table linking, we need another table. Please create a table named Company with the…
Linking tables
Accessing information from other tables in the database As you already know, tables are there to store data. By linking different tables together, we have access to more data and can use or display…
Tables can be linked together using 1:N, N:1 and M:N principles to allow them to interact