Trigger in use
Our 3rd Invoice – With the New Price Now, change the price for Champagne to €9 in the Food & Drinks table. We change the price in the "Food & Drinks" table Now, create another invoice.…
Create another invoice
Our 2nd Invoice – Still at the Old Price Let's first create a new invoice with lots of champagne at the current prices. You'll see that everything works perfectly!…
Assign data via button
A (temporary) button does the work for us here How it works Open the Table Settings of the Invoice Items table. Add the layout field
Button. Open the Field Settings and enter the following script…
Trigger at field level
After we just created our first invoice, the champagne supplier informs us that they are increasing their prices. This means we also need to adjust our prices! Instead of €7.…
Optimize performance of scripts
do as transaction ... end | do as server ... end | do as deferred ... end Ninox executes scripts in a perpetual exchange between the browser or app and the server.…
Create your own functions
Create your own functions with Ninox to automate workflows according to your needs Advantages write a script once and use it throughout the database concise scripts because you only need your own…
Repeat conditional statements with loops
for ... in ... do ... end | for ... from ... to ... do ... end | while ... do ... end Loops allow you to automatically execute a code block multiple numbers of times in succession.…
Sort records
order by Use order by to sort an array of records by a specific field. This is useful when sorting an array first before processing it further. When you use order by in a View layout item,…
Create and delete records
create | delete create To create a record in a specific table by script, specify the corresponding table name in a button after create. Example create Customers Result: A new,…
Ninox languages
The following languages are supported by the Ninox app. This may be relevant when working with a specific date or time format. Specific languages supported by Ninox Abbreviation Language de German en…
Select and query specific records
select ... where select lets you access any record of any table within a database using a script. Enter the name of the table from which you want to pull records after the select command.…
Set multiple conditional statements
if ... then ... else if | switch ... case Create multiple conditional statements by concatenating if-then-else blocks. Write another if after else for another condition and so on—continue for as long…
Set conditional statement
if ... then ... else ... end Use if ... then ... else ... end to specify an if-then-else conditional statement that has Ninox check whether a sequence of statements should be executed (if... then...…
Declare variable
let Create a new variable with let and assign a value to the variable using :=.
The name of the variable must not be a keyword. For example, let let is not allowed.…
Writing dynamic texts
Make texts dynamic via a script To personalize texts, for example, send a letter that looks basically the same as an invoice to many recipients with the respective other data,…
Ninox operators
The most important operators for writing scripts Operator Description Examples := A "defined as equal to" operator assigns a value to a field or variable.…
Comparison operators
Two values are compared with each other This allows you to compare 2 numeric values. The operators return a result that is either true or false. The output in the Ninox field is Yes (true) or No…
Arithmetic operators
Create simple arithmetic operations These operators let you take 2 numeric values, perform a calculation, and return a numeric value. This is mainly about basic arithmetic operations.…
Formula editor features
An overview of all basic features the formula editor offers as of version 3.6.0
At the moment, the new formula editor features are available for the web app (app.ninox.com) as well as the Mac app.…
The formula editor
This is where you script The input of functions or procedures is done via the formula editor in a Formula (always indicated by fx). These fields are the "entrance" to the formula editor.…
Introduction to Ninox script
The Ninox script language (also "NX script language" or "NX script") is designed to automate simple, repetitive operations, as well as complex work sequences,…
Date and time formats
Token Description Example YY Year: 2 digits 21 YYYY Year: 4 digits 2021 M Month: 1 or 2 digits 1 … 12 Mo Month: ordinal 1st … 12th MM Month: 2 digits 01 … 12 MMM Month: 3 characters Feb MMMM Month:…
Icon picker
Find the name of each available icon in Ninox
In version 3.12 we introduced a new icon library and an updated icon picker.
When you update from version 3.11 to 3.…
Color picker
Updated colors and a new color picker in 3.12
In version 3.12, we introduced more options for color input, a new color palette, and an in-built color picker.…
Intro to "any" functions
Below is info on how we use the "any" data type here in our Ninox guidance, specifically in the syntax of our functions "any" functions are a bit different Values of the data type "any" as well as…
Ninox's scripting language automates tasks to enhance workflows