do as database ... end
The Ninox 3.10 release introduces a transformative feature to enhance your experience: the do as database ... end transaction
do as database ... end is available for Private Cloud and On-Premises.…
Ninox 3.10 introduces 'Mailhook'—a centralized receive-only inbox that stores emails in a Ninox database
Mailhook is available for Private Cloud. Keys features at a glance Storage:…
Reconnect modularized databases
The Ninox 3.11 release introduces a simplified way to reconnect modularized databases imported to another workspace
Reconnecting modularized databases is available for Private Cloud and On-Premises.…
Think of a modularized database like a set of toy blocks. Each block, or module, is a separate piece of the solution and has its own job. Just like you can snap together blocks to make different…
Modularization enables the interaction of databases within a workspace. This feature is only available in the Private Cloud and On-Premises.