Dates in Ninox at it again
If anyone else is frustrated with Dates you are not alone. I have had an application for Orientation for 3 years now. All the sudden the dates don't work.…
Order by date from text field
Hi. I have a date in text field and I want to order it by date. Create a date field is not an option, I need it to be with this text field. Is there any way to do that?…
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Possibility to print report for different subrecords in database
Hello, I have a database with many records, which are related to subrecords. Eg; Parent: 1. Children: 1a, 1b, 1c etc. these subrecord have their own tab within the detail view.…
Close to giving up on Ninox
I am so frustrated with Ninox and their incapable developers. I am mainly using the iPad app (I have a 12.9" iPad Pro) but also the web app. Neither one is working reliable and full of bugs.…
Create records from dynamic multiple choice
Hi guys, I hit a bump trying something new: I have a dynamic multiple choice field called 'Keuze kritieke fases' I have a subtable 'Kritieke fases'. I have a button that I gave following code on…
Do you want to auto print a page. This works in Firefox after your turn printAlwaysSilent to true and and chrome you will have to config run chrome silent printing on mode --kiosk-printing edit target on chrome shortcut properties Ex:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --kiosk-printing "http://localhost:8080/this"
let myPdf := printAndSaveRecord(this, "HTML Ticket");let x := substring(myPdf, 28, 200);html("<html><head> <style> .button{} .button1 {font-size: 90px;border-radius:…
Using a button to export multiple records
I typically use the gear to export a selection of records to a CSV/Excel sheet. What I would like to do is do this using a button. How does one code for this?
Progress Bars: Mit Game-Design-Elementen mehr Nutzer aktivieren
Mit Game-Design-Elementen in deiner Benutzeroberfläche kannst du noch mehr aus deinen Daten herausholen. Sie verbessern nicht nur die Akzeptanz von deinem Tool, sie animieren vielmehr dazu,…
Print cards
I would like to print my artivles in "Cards view". How can I do that?
Special syntax of the for loop
Hello to all, this morning I discovered a new type of use of the for loop. My first exploration leads me to think that it is a possibility to enumerate a JSON structure (complex).…
Numeric array variable initialization
Hello there. I'm stuck with a somehow simple problem. I can't create a variable type array and initialize it unless I enter a number. Take a look at this code: let myArray := [];…
Next Item in Line Formula
I am creating an approval flow in Ninox. I have a field named 'Current Step' and a list of that displays the order of the steps. Named 'Step Order' and the value is '1,2,…
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Updating Multiple Records with use of a button
I have a database that keeps track of lessons plans for homeschool. I have tables for each of my subjects. The fields include the date of the assignment, the assignment text and so on.…
Multiply for formula fields
Hi The table has formula fields "Formula 1" and "Formula 2", which, for their part, take information from other tables. I need to multiply "Formula 1" by "Formula 2".…
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Python support.
Hi Ninox. I'd like to run a Python program to pull some information from a serial interface and put it in a variable that will be put into a record entry.…
Now also in German. Explanations and examples of Ninox functions available.
To our community of German speakers : There is now a separate page for each function in our documentation that includes explanations, illustrations, and tips in German.…
Getting number from table
Hello and thank you in advance My Database has tables called Unit Rentals 1 Unit Rentals 2 Unit Rentals 3 i can't extract the number from a table like you can using a substring in a field any advice…
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gantt as pdf
Hello, We are trying to use ninox for timetables on our buliding sites. Generally they should look like gantt diagrams, with milestones. Does ninox have a pan for getting gantt on layouts and export…
Functions of Buttons
I have a table that has a button and they duplicate one of the sub tables for the next day. need a formula for this button, for duplicating all the data of the main table.…
Select a field with a button
Is there a way to create a function for a button that will end with selecting a field in the current form so that after clicking the button, the user can just start typing the data for the first…
AutoNumber increase when importing records
I have a "Trigger on new record" auto Increasing a number (the trigger I use): 'Cont-ID' := max((select CONTACTS).'Cont-ID') + 1 works fine - except when importing records from a CSV file,…
Combine or add Pdf
would it be possible to combine Pdf file when printing? or add a Pdf file after a file created in Ninox? Thanks
Formula for adding
Hello everyone There are several numbers that need to be added, but the fact is that they need to be added if they differ from a certain amount. For example,…
Accumulated by Staff Problem
I have a Problem on Accumulated by Staff fórmula. Example Marianela have 110 hours (104 normal + 6 overtime) but only sum 104 on the Accumulated by Staff. Some help
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Auto Number by ComboBox
Hi in my item invoice, I have an auto number and it is good. in the table of "Invoice items," I have one comboBox that I have filed with "Ordered". I need when I choose the "Ordered" auto number to…