Sending emails - hit and miss
I have a hit and miss sucess sending emails to my guys. GMail emails do not seem to arrive and others may or may not. The email I send is very basic and has a small pdf attachment.
I have myself CC in and I always get them.
Is there something I need to make sure of to get this sorted?
I am not sending the email via the email field but via a button with basic script.
1 reply
Alan - I use both the standard email field and the button script via sendEmail
in fact I use sendEmail scrip to issue all order acks/delivery notices etc. thus I send some 50-60 per day and all have an attachment apart from when the service has been down I had not had any instances when a client has not received them. to be fair I use ms 365 and outlook accounts and have no experience with Gmail, but you do go onto say you get your mails which kinda suggests that Ninox/sendEmail is at least doing it's job...
if it helps
this is one of my button scripts
if Status < 2 or Status > 3 then
alert("job Status is not in production")
Status := 3;
if not 'Email+' then
alert("No valid contact in email field")
if DispFlag = 1 then
alert("Dispatched Confirmation already sent!")
let thisBody := first((select SystemFile).OrderDispatchedLetter);
let myEmail := userEmail();
let myAtt := first(files(record(SystemFile,1)));
thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Ord Company}", text('Ordered By'));
thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Order Name}", text('Order Name'));
thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Job Bag}", text('Job Bag'));
thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Order Date}", text('Order Date'));
thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Order Name}", 'Order Name');
thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Order Ref}", 'Order Ref');
thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Qty}", text(Qty));
thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Desc}", Desc);
thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Del Company}", text('Delivery To'));
thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Del Address}", text('Delivery Address'));
DispFlag := 1;
from: myEmail,
to: 'Email+',
subject: "Your order has been dispatched by 118 Printgroup",
text: "Goods Dispatched Confirmation",
html: thisBody,
attachments: myAtt
alert("Goods Dispatched Email has been Sent");
DisplayMenu := 1
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- 2 yrs agoLast active
- 1Replies
- 83Views