Copy field contents into another linked tables field

Hi, I have multiple tables with a many to many link between two tables.

I have a text field called Description in the Work table and also a field in the Drawings table called Description.

How can I copy the contents of the Work table Description into the Description in the Drawings table to save me having to type the same thing again?

I have attached my Data model if that helps.

Many Thanks in advance.

Ninox Data model

8 replies

    • John_Halls
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi David


    Assuming your relationship links are named after the tables


    EITHER - In the in the Trigger on new record of the Drawings table add this line


    Description := 'Drawing Link'.Work.Description


    OR - if the two descriptions never differ, replace the text field for a formula field and use this formula


    'Drawing Link'.Work.Description


    Regards John

    • Bill_Thomson
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Hi David,

    As it's a many-to-many relationship presumably one drawing can be used in different work items, so you I'm guessing want to add each work description to that of the drawing.

    (Otherwise I don't think you need the 'Drawing link' table)

    So my suggestion is to use a Trigger After Update in the Drawing Link table with code such as:

    let w := Work.Description;
    let d := Drawings.Description;
    let cr := "
    Drawings.(Description := d + cr + w)

    • Mel_Charles
    • 2 yrs ago
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    You can even power this from a button. Using above suggested coding.

    I sometimes have a need not to type exactly the same info from the main table table into other table form.

    Thus I can free type info. I also have a button to copy the data and other button to clear the box of copied data if I need ot refer bax to blank field - to enter yet more/different data.

    This makes sense doing delivery notes from orders when at the last minutes the client wants a bespoke delivery address etc

    • davidw
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Hi Guys,

    Thanks for the suggestions, I couldn't get John's first option to work (probably because of my own inexperience) & didn't try the second option as I already have a few hundred entries in this table and didn't want to make more work for myself, but thanks for trying to help me.

    Bill's option seems to work and I can even alter it if I need to tweak this second description, so thank you Bill.

    Mel, thanks for the suggestion, but Buttons are way above my pay grade, so I have more chance of licking my own elbow, than creating this level of complexity :-)

    • Fred
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Hi David -


    I would say you can do buttons if you can do Trigger after update. In fact I recommend always testing out functions in a button before putting them in triggers so you can control when they kick off.


    Glad things are working.

    • Mel_Charles
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view


    Button scripts can be very simple right up to megga complex - we are always hear to help.

    Just drop a button onto your form and put bills script into the onclick section.... 

    • John_Halls
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi David

    Just to say sorry for my erronious code earlier. I normally mock something up and check it works as intended before posting.

    I concurr with all the other comments and Bill's solution is a good one.

    Good luck with those Buttons!

    Regards John

    • davidw
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I told you I wasn't up to Buttons yet :-)

    I made a button and added Bill's code in as suggested but I get an error.

    It works OK when I have it here as part of the Description Field.

    Does anybody have any thoughts on what needs to change for it to work using the Button?

    Many thanks

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