Question new functions
Found some new functions in the .js files. Anyone knows what these functions do? createTempFile(string,string) and appendTempFile(string,string) or are these not yet implemented?
Really Goods News !!
Calling all friends and regular contributors. There is no doubt this week has shown a huge leap forward for the new forum. However - for those of us who remember - Ninox's presence on this forum -…
Well done NINOX Team and thank you! At long last we get a new forum - lets hope it all goes well and this is the end of all the spam crap that we were being bombarded with every week.!
Squinting is not enough for this list.
This is one of the most annying lists in Ninox. I needs to be larger, and it needs a filter search field.
Monitoring crytpo trades with ninox
Hi there I'm currently trying to sort out how to monitore the crypto trades through Ninox from a binance export. I have made a table, an already start to make the table works to find simple data…
Partial dynamic view
Probably nothing new for many: I once built a 'partial dynamic view'.There you can filter each visible table column of the view for yourself without having to create several views.…
Example of print output with Carbone instead Ninox Print-Editor
Attached are screenshots showing the result of a print output with Carbone instead of the Ninox print editor.The data all comes from Ninox, the QR codes are generated from transferred data from Ninox…
Table Description field
Hello, Often a Table name is not enough to tell us about a table content. As far as I know there is no place where we could keep some information about a Table.…
languages supported by Ninox - Suggestion
Coudn't you make portuguese one of the Ninox supported Languages? As you probably know portuguese is the 6th most spoken language. More than French, Italian, Japanese, Russian,…
Console window suggestions
Console is an outstanding tool Ninox provides users to test code before inserting it anywhere in the DB. Nevertheless there are a few drawbacks that make it less useful that it could be. 1.…
Field label vs field name
Hi. It would be really great to have functionally that provides the ability to have a field label which is different from the unique field name. My database collects heaps of information and…
Change your 404 message
Does Ninox not have a PR department? I can't imagine anyone "enjoying" getting that message. I imagine it was an attempt to be humorous, but it what it does is put the fault for the error on the…
More visual contrast/ reference point in Fields list
I'm making a table with quite a few columns. I broke it up with tabs for the user, but in the Fields list (when editing/ adding fields) it is all one long list and the entries look the same.…
do many people like me in the smartphone prefer the browser interface than the app?
Listino dinamico
Buongiorno, ho creato un gestionale per la mia azienda di vendita e assistenza informatica. Il tutto funziona bene ma mi si pone un problema nei listini, ovvero mi seriverebbe qualcosa di dinamico.…
Stampare la vista
A quando la possibilità di stampare l'elemento di layout vista?
Trova generale
E' indispensabile che si abbia la possibilità di scegliere i campi che si voglio nella ricerca generale. E' stato richiesto più volte, vi prego di procedere, è essenziale
Add option on Security for restrict create teams
Add option on Admin Security for restrict create new "team" to members.
Alert su apertura form
Sarebbe cosa importante avere un trigger in apertura di una form per inserire un alert
Has anyone wanted to hide the add new record button on the popup link?
simply add a formula with CSS and add the following .stringeditor-button2 {display: none;}
Has anyone wanted to hide the add new record button on the popup link?
simply add a formula with CSS and add the following .stringeditor-button2 {display: none;}
Functions to have complex parameters
In addition to the simple types it would be very useful if you could pass records and record collections as a parameters. This would make functions way more accessable and powerful.
Ability to hide columns
I use formula(s) in tables to filter views I would like to be able to hide these columns to save space and keep users from making changes toat would allow them to see all of the data.
How to merge two json body in one?
Hello, I am looking for solution for merging json body. Let us suppose I have two json. JSON1 : {"key1" : "val1"}, and JSON2 : {"key2" : "val2"}, my expected answer would be JSON_merged : {"key1" :…
Formula to add comment
I'd love to be able to add comments via formula's - eg so I can have a button for frequently used comments so I don't have to type it manually. Also being able to do something like ctrl+enter to save…
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