Has anyone wanted to hide the add new record button on the popup link?
simply add a formula with CSS and add the following .stringeditor-button2 {display: none;}
Has anyone wanted to hide the add new record button on the popup link?
simply add a formula with CSS and add the following .stringeditor-button2 {display: none;}
Functions to have complex parameters
In addition to the simple types it would be very useful if you could pass records and record collections as a parameters. This would make functions way more accessable and powerful.
Ability to hide columns
I use formula(s) in tables to filter views I would like to be able to hide these columns to save space and keep users from making changes toat would allow them to see all of the data.
How to merge two json body in one?
Hello, I am looking for solution for merging json body. Let us suppose I have two json. JSON1 : {"key1" : "val1"}, and JSON2 : {"key2" : "val2"}, my expected answer would be JSON_merged : {"key1" :…
Formula to add comment
I'd love to be able to add comments via formula's - eg so I can have a button for frequently used comments so I don't have to type it manually. Also being able to do something like ctrl+enter to save…
how to get element value from json string?
Hello, I am looking to get value of place from below shown jsonstring. jsonstring := {"items":[{"number":1,"place":"Germany"}]} I tried with this code but, it is not showing any output.…
How can I delete my question from here?
Hello, let us suppose I ask some question, and then after I want to delete my question. Is there any possibility for deleting my question? Kind Regards
When I use the following script --openURL("mailto:" + TO + "?" + "cc=" + CC + "&" + "bcc=" + BCC + "&subject=" + SUBJECT + "&" + "body=" + BODY), my default email opens, but the TO is made up of all the content, and not in CC, Subject and Body. Please help
When I use the following script --openURL("mailto:" + TO + "?" + "cc=" + CC + "&" + "bcc=" + BCC + "&subject=" + SUBJECT + "&" + "body=" + BODY), my default email opens,…
Timeline View
Ninox has a Calendar view and Gantt charts. It might be interesting to have a "timeline" view as well, where milestones of different types might find themselves in different vertical zones,…
Can I write comments inside the code?
Hey, I want to give comments inside the code. Example : sum = number(a) + number(b) (// this is the sum of two numbers).
Calendar item with detailed info
Hi, Is there any option when creating a date field or a apppointment field in Ninox to set "Show as" and fill parts of the Calendar event - "location", "person",…
What's with all the garbage
Exactly that. Recent posts are all garbage. Anyone dealing with this spamming?
Execute eval() in triggers
My use case would be to pass a field name as a text argument to a user-defined function and take action based on the field's state or value. This appears to work in the Formula field and Button,…
Dark mode
Would be usefull a dark/night mode
Layout Farbe in der Mac App Version
In der Online Version ist es möglich Felder feinzufärben. Anscheined geht da etwas mehr in der Online-Version. Es wäre schön mehr Optionen, wie in Apple’s Numbers,…
Sharing Single Items
We can share Views (HTML, xls, json, PDF, ...) and Documents (PDF) via script now. So logically Sharing a single item (without creating a view for the single item), would round up the sharing topic.
Duplicate Layout Elements Needed
Wow, wouldn't the ability to copy/paste, or duplicate layout elements be nice.
Child Records – Creating a Virtual List
There are times, when the number of child records of a parent becomes large, that it would be useful to be able to search, sort and aggregate the child records without changing the set-up of the view…
Does Ninox database have a "text message" button that will open up messages application on my Mac ? The same way the phone button opens up the FaceTime/phone call application.
Does Ninox database have a "text message" button that will open up messages application on my Mac ? The same way the phone button opens up the FaceTime/phone call application.
How to create an invoice for a collection of orders?
Hi all, I really need some help on this. I have a table ORDERS. Each order has 1 customer and multiple items (in the child table ITEMS). Then I have a table SHIPMENTS,…
Use javascript click event to set a field value
Whti the html() function I has created a <select> tag and a <button>. When I click the button I get the selected value. How can I set a table field now with the result? Here is the code.…
The new date picker is NOT an improvement?
Previously i could pick any time in at most 3 clicks (AM/PM, hours, minutes). Now, I could have to click 13 times (AM/PM, 6 clicks to get to the hour, 6 clicks to get to the minutes)!…
Screen layouts fitting pads, smartphones (any size) and desktop
I have been working with Ninox database for a while and was succesful creating several apps for my business from Accountng, ERP, CRM etc. Everything is fine and functional but I have a problem with…
Dashboard - limit to single record?
Having got along quite nicely without one for a couple of years. I now require a dashboard! so assuming i have this right - I created a seperate table, added new a record and to the form added in the…
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