Manual Restore of Entire Database, Table by Table
I download a copy of my DB in Ninox format and as a XLSX file every month (just in case Ninox disappears or I decide on another platform). I decided to test a manual restore of my database.…
Webinar on Automated CSV Import & Export in Ninox on Thursday, 16 January - Open Q&A
Join us for Ninox updates, tricks, tips, shortcuts and Open Q&A. We will be exploring Automated CSV Import & Export. Bring your favorite beverage and let’s have some fun learning Ninox.…
How to download a copy of your DB.
I'm posting this so others can reference it if users are unsure how to download a copy of their DB to post in the forum. In the MacOS app: open the DB click on Table menu and select Export data click…
AI and spreadsheets
The AI Spreadsheet We've All Been Waiting For
Upload file with Ninox API REST
I’ve been trying to upload files via the Ninox API for quite some time. With the invaluable help of Ninox’s technical support, I’ve finally managed to get it working.…
exportXLSX Training Videos
Four-part training class demonstrating how to use the new exportXLSX command now available. Part 1 - Simple Export Part 2 - Compound Export Part 3 - Formatted Export Part 4 - Export Engine
The Ninox Learning Lab is offered most Thursdays at 12pm EDT/ 5pm BST/ 6pm GMT and is free.
The Ninox Learning Lab is offered most Thursdays at 12pm EDT/ 5pm BST/ 6pm GMT and is free. The Ninox Learning Lab has provided training and support to thousands of Ninox users all over the world…
Where does the cat sleep (find the closest sentence)?
I had a somewhat unique case where I needed to import data with sentences indicating where to store them, but sometimes the sentences were not all spelled correctly.…
Ninox script to work with csv files
Ninox has a convenient wizard for importing (.csv) data which is well featured and easy to use. If you regularly work with data contained in csv files, you may be keen to to avoid retracing your…
Photo preview but no import
Hi, I'd like to use Ninox for a project that involves many photos. Would it be possible to just refer to an image, and let Ninox generate a preview image but not import the image to reduce the size…
WixNox driver project
Hello everyone, I'm very happy to present you today a project that I created some time ago for a client. Since then I've refined it a bit and now it's ready to be tested by more people.…
Ninext : Native JavaScript
I start here a new post about the Native JavaScrip to differentiate it from the EvalJS function in which I had previously put it... I discovered one weekago that it was possible to add comments in…
Ninox REST API for Javascript
Hey Guys, long time lurker. I have written this little javascript wrapper for the REST API for Ninox. I personally didn't like using Letters and hashes to address my tables,…
Exporting Images from Ninox
After exporting your database as a .csv file you might be wondering why your images are not there! The reason behind is that a .csv cannot export images. Here is a small workaround.…
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