Adding values between values in a (dynamic) choice field...

Ever wanted to add a value between values in a choice field? This is possible with a Dynamic Choice Field :


>Formula in the MoveUp button:
Number := Number - 1.5;
let c := 1;
for i in (select Listvalues) order by Number do
i.(Number := c);
c := c + 1
>Formula in the MoveDown button:
Number := Number + 1.5;
let c := 1;
for i in (select Listvalues) order by Number do
i.(Number := c);
c := c + 1

Example available here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xcw8a6zq6a736su/Ordering%20Dynamic%20Choicelist.ninox?dl=0


1 reply

    • Sam.1
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thank you Steven! It works equally well with the multiple choice dynamic field.