Improve performance: Save Calculated values in Static fields
Views of the tables can sometimes take longer to be displayed due to the functions which are calculating the values. Formula fields have to be calculated every time the view is opened.…
Switch Case statement in Ninox
Another great structure in Ninox that can help you in the automatization of your processes is a Switch Case statement. Simple syntax, fewer lines of code, and faster result in your app.…
Set auto completion on Ninox editor
Hello everyone, I was fed up with always having to close the code editor to fetch the name of a field or table, so I set up the Ninox code editor to have an auto-completion function :…
Display linked records within the according table view
If you have a main record with several linked records (e.g. record of a contact/customer with a list of linked invoices) and you want to access those directly in the according table view,…
Protecting Editable Fields - Best practice
At our school teachers enter a lot of data and we want to protect ourselves from accidentally clicking or tapping and modifying a fields. Here are a few thoughts on how I am thinking of making this…
Improve performance: Count records from subtable WITHOUT select statement
If you are counting records from a subtable, you can avoid using the 'select' statements... For example: Instead of using the code: let t := this; count(select Invoice where Customer = t and Status…
Printing Dynamic Field in Ninox App
The video is presenting a little workaround for printing Dynamic fields in Ninox App. In the print layout, we can avoid showing the record ID by simply rapping the field name into text().…
Targeted deletion of records in tables
Table management is an important task in keeping your database clean and running by avoiding redundancies, accidental double entries, etc. While you could open every record in question and delete…
Do graphics of the result of customer survey
Hi, I Created one table for registering all the surveys that we make to all the customers that attend to different tours. The table is related to the tours and to the customer as you can see in the…
Auto Backup for iCloud
I have my database in iCloud so that I can use the iOS apps. Problem is the data is hidden, and should something go wrong; then there is no way to recover it from iCloud.…
Adding values between values in a (dynamic) choice field...
Ever wanted to add a value between values in a choice field? This is possible with a Dynamic Choice Field : >Formula in the MoveUp button: Number := Number - 1.…
Dynamic choice fields
Dynamic choice fields With the new Dynamic single and multiple-choice fields, you can create fully dynamic lists with the flexibility to decide the list items, update parameters, display values,…
Operators for searching one/several texts in the field filter (Boolean)
From time to time you need to search for several texts in a table column at the same time or you want to exclude certain texts from the search. To do this,…
Removing duplicate fields (emails as example) solution
for i in select Table_Name.Email_field do while cnt(select Table_Name where Email_field = text(i))!=1 do delete last(select Table_Name where Email_field = text(i)) end end Enjoy!
Required fields
May I suggest the following: If a field is set to be "Required", the form should not be close-able until a value is set/chosen - just like on web-site forms:…
extractx() “g” flag workaround
Here is a basic UDF for extracting all of the values that match a regex pattern... function extractxg(src : text,regex : text) do let extValue := “”; let idx := 0; let idxLen := 0; while testx(src,…
Short Contributors Bio
Hi All I'm pretty new to this forum, and to Ninox. I see the same names contribute their knowledge to us all (thank you) and I wonder if they (you) would be willing to give a bit of background about…
PDF with carbone and OCR-recognition
Hi I have used Carbone to create a fillable PDF created from Ninox. You can add values to it and then send it back. (email?). If the PDF is saved in an image field of the corresponding record,…
'Ninox for Windows' Version
Hi, Since 'Ninox for Windows' is still not available three years after Ninox announced that this platform-version was in the development pipeline, please could someone kindly inform me what other…
Filling Lines of Orders/Articles with Dynamic Multiple Choice Fields And Cascading Dynamic Choice Fields.
In this database you can fill order lines with Dynamic Multiple Choice Fields and Cascading Choice Fields. It is located in the EN Team webinar and is called Cascading DCFields. Steven
Exporting Images from Ninox
After exporting your database as a .csv file you might be wondering why your images are not there! The reason behind is that a .csv cannot export images. Here is a small workaround.…
Printing coloured table cells with Carbone
I have built a Carbone template that can print cells in colour in a table printout. The colour selection is controlled by the JSON body sent for each cell of the table.…
Date problem when transferring to Google Contacts
I have built an 'n8n flow' that transfers/updates/deletes contact data from Ninox to 'Google Contacts'. I had the problem that the date of birth was always saved in Google Contacts with one day less.…
Ninox Developing Service
I'm not sure if this is a bit off topic but maybe others are interested into this as well. I'm a software developer for years and recently came accross Ninox.…
In Spain, Portugal, France and other countries, they put a line above letters often called an accent
In Spain, Portugal, France and other countries, they put a line above letters often called an accentfor example LópezIn English we write Lopezwith no line.…
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