PDF Output - can not see the whole table
Hello I want a PDF Output with a table let's say with 10 lines of 10 datasets. When I go on the print symbol I see only 6 lines/datasets. When I generate the PDF and my pdf-Viewer opens the PDF I see…
Email doesn't work with Ninox DB mac version
Why this script doesn't work with the version 2.5.1 of Ninox DB mac version and work fine with the cloud version (Courriel is a email fields) let myLayout := "Factures";let myName :…
Travel to a different time zone changes dates
When I travel from U.S. Eastern time zone to U.S. Central time zone, which is only a one-hour difference, all of my dates change by one day. So if I enter a record on January 6 when I'm in Indiana,…
Hi i am getting this error:Function is not defined: printAndSaveRecord(node,string) at line 1, column 58for this code:importFile(this, printAndSaveRecord(this, "Itemised C/S"), SURNAME + " QUOTE.pdf") + alert("QUOTE: CREATED") + printRecord(Id, "Itemised C/S")Does anyone know why?
importFile(this, printAndSaveRecord(this, "Itemised C/S"), SURNAME + " QUOTE.pdf") + alert("QUOTE: CREATED") + printRecord(Id, "Itemised C/S")
Image field
Hi, I have a list of images in a folder with a code (example 67046662.png) and I would like to automatically associate the image field with this code. It's possible?
How to include a formula in rich text?
Is it possible to include a formula in the rich text? I have a default value in rich text. But within the rich text, I want to add the invoice number to it, while keeping my rich text format.…
Datum Feld: Anzeige des letzten Tages eines Monats
Hallo Zusammen, gibt es eine Möglichkeit in einem Datumfeld automatisch den letzten Tag eines Monats anzeigen zu lassen? Dies wird für die Gültigkeit von Schulungs-Zertifikaten benötigt,…
Datumsdifferenz berechnen
Hallo zusammen, ich bin totaler Ninox-Anfänger und kam mit der Suchfuktion im Forum nicht zu einer Lösung. Ich habe zwei Datumsfelder, eines "Geburtsdatum" und eines "Datum" (das ist ein Datum nach…
My wrench icon is missing. How do I get it back?
what is reuired here? My red wrench is missing, am I out of administrative mode? It is just me.
Can I have ninox on two computers
I just bought Ninox on the Apple store. I have a desktop and a laptop... can I have Ninox on both computers, or do I need to buy a programa for each
XML Data File
Hello, Is there a clever way to import data from an XML file into Ninox? Andrew
format Invoice No in Invoices template
Dear forum, Is there a way to format the Invoce No in YY-000 instead of YYYY-000? So for instance: 19-001 instead of 2019-001. I tried to modify the "Trigger on create" field in Invoice table like…
Radio button triggering text in field
I hava multiple choice - like 1 / 2 / 3 I have textField What kind of calculation need to use if choice = 1 than textField:= "text1" Thank you for your help
Filtro sul campo vista
Come si possono filtrare le viste per determinate condizioni?
Define text variables in the console with the iPad version?
I can define number and date variables in the console, but when I try to define text variables I get a “Field not found” error.
How do you move a sub-table to become a main table?
I have a table that i have made as a sub table of another table. I need to move it to become a main table so that my users don't have to click the arrow in order to display the subtables.…
Bank Account Register
I have one table with 3 fields. Depot, witdrawal and Balance. Balance is a formula field. What should the formula be in the Balance field to maintain a correct balance as records are added in the…
Email the contents of a record
Hoping I can get some direction. I'd like to Print the contenct of record to a PDF and email it to the email address in the record. I have the Print form created.…
Hello All, How could i do to have five stars using the icons ??? Many Thanks
Records limit
What is the limit on the number of records in Ninox on a local database?
How to add printPdf file on email ?
How to add printPdf file in mail, like filemaker. When press on mail button popup mail with name, subject cet. But how add .Pdf invioce in email.
This is driving me crazy
Will someone please test this code in a new database and in the "Global script definitions". I want to know if it works correctly for someone else who hasn't done what I did.…
I'm creating an accounting database.
Is there a way to lock records from editing???
If/Then Time Statements
I am creating a button to determine if something was completed early, on time, or late. The fields I will be working with in this formula are: 'Quoted Completion' and 'Timeliness' When the button is…
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