Colour Script in field
How do i make a field " Allergies" show the data entered in red (eg) if blank should be white as usual . so if a patient is allergic to say sulphur the n this info will pop up in rd thanks
4 replies
Hello... Could you be more specific about how your fields and tables are?
Use the styled object in a formula.. something like. (code not tested.. )
assume you have a date entry field called alergeyEntryDate
styled(alergeyEntryDate if alergeyEntryDate then "red" else "white" end)
The field is set as text . And u type in an allergy if the patient has one . What I need to happen is tha tthe text must be set to red .the table is a single table (not subtables or so)
Let's try to start with a model. Take a look at this database and tell me if this is close to what you need:
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- 6 yrs agoLast active
- 4Replies
- 1854Views