Hello, When attempting to link entries together from two different tables via the cross reference function, Is there a way to get data entries to show up in the search results of "Find:…
Function and Language Reference
Is it possible to create views called "This Month" and "Last Month"? The same formula could be used for "This Year" and "Last Year" as well as "This Week" and "Last Week".…
Import Data
Hello thanks for this good application . On ipad : I saw in comments how to export images with the csv , but my question is : is it possible to import images in the database ?…
Hello. I am trying to change the picture on the DB homepage, but the old picture is the only one that shows up. Is there a way to delete det picture from the DB?
Hi there, How do you get to "Tutorial – Part 2" ? Regards: JG
I can't find the download link for Invoice
Import attachments
Hello, What are the rules for the File Name Pattern? Because I did not understand : (\w+)\. \w+$ Thanks
Customer Database
How do I design the layout of a sales invoice? It will have a header, body with list of items & prices, and a final total cost with sales tax computed.
Formulas and Calculations
How can I implement a unique "logical" key for a table? For example, I have an Ingredient table whose logical key is IngredientName. How can I ensure there is only one row with a given IngredientName?
Hi, I created a list of people, but I want to avoid putting the same person several times. I need to make unique the text field "VAT number": how can I do?…
It would be useful if you could search single columns or a single table.
Importing Linked Data
Import the Invoices.csv. In the field assignment, you specify the following: [Customer No] — [customers (customer number)] (update all) Please provide a screen shot or very specific directions as to…
Start Page
Hi there, Is there any way of creating a front page for the database? At the moment, when you open my database, all tables are viewable. However, the entry point is just one of those tables.…
The documentation doesn't mention where you can export to. For health record usage no external organisation cloud or email is appropriate. Can the export be saved on the iPad for retrieval using…
Mathematical Functions
Hi! I really need to use the round up function but it is not working when I enter it as a text function and is not listed as an available function in Visual view.…
I have installed a demo version of ninon pro and wanted to use templates but these are not accessible in the web interface. How can I get around this? Thanks
Import Data from Bento
I have a Bento database catalogue with seven database files in it. Each file contains a few hundred images with associated data. I am having difficulty uploading these files to Ninox.…
Tutorial - Part III
Help! I have a table for the needle positions for my 16 needle embroidery machine. I have linked the table Inventory. Inventory's table has the data fields Brand, Color # and Color.…
Todo List
Also can not find the to do list download
Hallo Herr Koenig. Leider funktioniert bei mir der Link nicht... :/
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