Warning / alert triangle on Table name
Hi - I have just noticed that a couple of Tables have small warning triangle symbols over their names / icons in Edit mode. As far as I can see, there are no functional problems.…
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AFFILIATED GMRS REPEATERS USERS DATABASE DESIGN NOTES FOR NET CHECK-INS September, 2023 Software: Ninox – v 3.9.3 downloaded free from Apple App Store, single computer only.…
Count of records in joined table
I have a table for our Corporate Events we plan called Event Details. There is a table named Staff that is joined to it containing all of our staff. One event could have multiple staff and a single…
Conditional Formatting Advice Please
The screenshot here shows I having grouping selected and a count #. For sake of clarity, I would like to emphasize the #Count so that it is more prominent for the reader when records are exported as…
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Search by Artist ? HTML
Is there a way to search by Artist in this table in HTML. ? The Code is let vRaiting := "minRt: " + text('min. Raiting') + "| maxRt: " + text('max. Raiting'); let vRtMin := 'min.…
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Solutions are there for small hotels
The table has two fields for dates and I can indicate from what day and on what day to occupy a hotel room. But you also need to count those days when he is not busy for the last two months,…
Help on changing record color
Hello, I'm new to Ninox. I'm trying to change a record based on a value of a field: I'm using script in "after update" if Estado = "Aberto" then color("Green") else color("Red") end But nothing…
How to connect this table
Ninix gurus, Just when you think you now have your app ready, yet..... it turns out there is another catch. In my database for musical works, the main table is: Titles.…
Parent - child??
Hello, I am building a database where I store all the sheet music titles for my work (conductor). To that I link a location where that music is stored (room, closet, shelf, box) Composers, lyricists,…
Creating a Script Similar to Excel NETWORKDAYS
So, I'm thinking of replacing my workdays formulas with something similar to excel's networkdays function. What I would need it to do, is combine the workdays function and then reference a Table I…
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WISH LIST: Easy one!
DIALOG function that accepts up to 255 chars of text.
QR Code management
Hello everyone. I would like to start managing QR Codes in my database. I saw on the forum that creating a QR Code is actually quite simple. “It is enough”, in summary,…
Automatic incremental numbers (modifiable)
Hi, How to auto-complete a field on a newly created record with a number incrementaly +1 than the previous record (starting on 1), but still bee able to modify it manually later ?…
Created On - Duplicate Records
I have a field called Created which is a formula "created on" Sometimes I need to duplicated a record, but the Created field becomes blank. It works only when I created a new record.…
Add space between emails in string
Dear all, I'm currently trying to create a mail (using mailto: ... ) to multiple email addresses within one mail. Currently all relevant mail addresses are in a string.…
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video or detailed feature list for the 3.10 release
Does anyone have a link to either a webinar or a feature list for the new 3.10 release on private cloud. I am going to be motivating a client to go 3.10 and would like to be as fully armed as…
Choice field repeat the value of the previous day
There is a Choice field where there are several options. When creating a new record, i need the value of this Choice field to transfer to the next day. Please advise the formula
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Add elements to a choice field
Hi to all Is there a way to add, edit, delete elements in a choice Field through a formula? ex. Field 1 (formula field) I assign values in a formula: let x := "Napo" let y := "Orso" let z :…
Do I have to pay monthly?
I bought Ninox and have been running it on one desktop Mac, syncing it via iCloud with just one iPhone. Now I have received an email telling me I have to buy a monthly subscription.…
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http request with basic authentication does not work
Dear Ninox community! I try to use the http-request with Basic Authentication in Ninox and it seems that it will not work. But with Postman it is working.…
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Charts on Printed Reports
Does the future hold the ability to place charts on the actual reports, not just the fields of the table?
NINEXT Error flags - false positive??
I have 7 like this which do not make any sense to me at all. If I follow the wrench I cannot find any issues which reflect this and to be honest the bread crumb does not make sense either.…
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clearing the Filter option in a column on closing a view
As you can see there is an applied filter to PROJECT in this screenshot. Is there a way to reset all filters that might be applied when a view is closed.…
Time Timer
I need to create a timer that can be stopped and continue counting time. I found a solution, not quite what I need, but so far there is no other solution I'll use.…
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Syntax for filtering Dates older than from today
I'm trying to find the correct syntax for filtering based on dates older than 5 working days before today. This is what I was envisioning, but it's a little off in regards to syntax.…
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