Get Previous Month
Hi, Hopefully a simple one. Im editing the body of when the email field is clicked. Whats the syntax to get the previous month. I have tried everything with no luck. Thanks
"Join" script function will not show line breaks
I've just started using Ninox. I've set up a database for my contacts with it. The database has two tables: "Contacts" and "Organisations". Contact details that are specific to individuals (eg,…
How to get a filtered sum() from a table-value, where all have a common category?
I need to get the sum() Formula working that it not only gets me the sum of a specific field of a table, but also a filtered value. Like, all data-entries have a numbervalue and i just want to have…
- Answered
Neuer Editor Auto-Ergänzung ist ein absoluter Sch...
Könnt Ihr bitte diese Autoergänzung abstellen oder zumindest in der nächsten Version einen Ausschalter einbauen? Es macht keinen Spaß mehr Ninox-Anwendungen zu bauen.…
Order by descending
When selecting records you can't specify descending?
New 3.6 Script Editor
Is there a way of turning off the auto-complete function in the new 3.6 script editor? If I want 2x " (double-quotes) or a pair of braces () or {} then it assumes I always want a pair.…
while loop stops before reaching end
Hi everyone, I created a button in one table which is to export some values to another table creating new records there. I am using a while loop to create the records.…
Disable Duplicate Function
Hello, How can I disable the duplicate record function for one of my team members?
Multiple Choice Field - How to get possible values/choices
How to get all possible choices of a multiple choice field? With choose() I can get only chosen values, but I need all.
Calculate integer from decimal value
Hello, For a calculation I need to know the integer part of a decimal value, ie. 34.25 would give me 34 as the integer part. I expected to see a trunc() (or similar) function in the Ninox logic set,…
- Answered
List field content using rsort()
I'm trying to print a list of all entries in a given field between two specified dates. With the precious help of other posts in this forum I managed to get the list but it still brings up all the…
Automatically Displaying referenced data based on String
Hello, I'm sorry if this is a dumb question but I can't seem to figure it out. I'm attempting to use Ninox to help organize summer camps. Based on already imported data,…
Passing data from a Text field or MultipleChoice field to a DynamicMultipleChoice field
If you have a MultipleChoice field, and want to pass the same chosen options to a DynamicMultipleChoice field, follow the steps below: - Create a new reference table with the options written exactly…
Accessing a single line item on an invoice
I'm trying to pull the TOTAL value of a single line item in an invoice that has 3 line items consisting of £195, £56, and £18. After trying everything I can think of,…
Da numeri a lettere
Mi serviva una funzione per stampare delle ricevute in cifre ed in lettere così anche se non sono un esperto ho scritto una funzione che può essere utile a tutti.…
Improve performance: Save Calculated values in Static fields
Views of the tables can sometimes take longer to be displayed due to the functions which are calculating the values. Formula fields have to be calculated every time the view is opened.…
Complex Select statement for View
Summary of what I need to do: I have a table called Actions within which I am trying to create a view of all actions which are compatible with the current action.…
- Answered
Switch Case statement in Ninox
Another great structure in Ninox that can help you in the automatization of your processes is a Switch Case statement. Simple syntax, fewer lines of code, and faster result in your app.…
number() function stops convert strings with letters
Hello, I think that function number(), was converting strings like "XX23" to number 23... I've used it lot to convert record id to number for function record(Table,number(id)) .…
Set auto completion on Ninox editor
Hello everyone, I was fed up with always having to close the code editor to fetch the name of a field or table, so I set up the Ninox code editor to have an auto-completion function :…
Display linked records within the according table view
If you have a main record with several linked records (e.g. record of a contact/customer with a list of linked invoices) and you want to access those directly in the according table view,…
How to "scan" a table?
If I want to loop through all records in a table, how do I do that? I don't see a way to create an independent script I can call. So, even within a button,…
Weird switch issue
I'm using the MacOS app, so if I put this in a formula field: switch Number do case Number < 5: 10 case Number > 5: 20 end with Number being a number field in the same table.…
Improve performance: Count records from subtable WITHOUT select statement
If you are counting records from a subtable, you can avoid using the 'select' statements... For example: Instead of using the code: let t := this; count(select Invoice where Customer = t and Status…
Private Function to Check Empty Fields on Button Click
Hi, Is it possible to create a function and pass it an array of fields to check if any of them are empty? My example is that I want to send a send a task to outlook using integromat,…