"Join" script function will not show line breaks

I've just started using Ninox.

I've set up a database for my contacts with it.

The database has two tables: "Contacts" and "Organisations".

Contact details that are specific to individuals (eg, direct line phone and email) go in Contacts. Their company's details go in Organisations.

The company's address details are stored in the following fields: Building, Company Street, Company Street 2, Company city, Company county, Company postcode, Company country

I have been trying to use Formula so the address of each contact's company appears in a block on the contact's page, like this:

Street address

I've tried to use "join" to do this, as Ninox instructions say it can insert hard returns

The script I used is here:


1    join([Organisation.Building, Organisation.'Company street', Organisation.'Company street 2', Organisation.'Company city', Organisation.'Company county', Organisation.'Company postcode', Organisation.'Company country'], "
2    ")

However, this is what the script displays:

I've tried other ways to display the address in a block, with each line broken by a hard return. But each time, the address is shown in one line.

I'd appreciate any advice on what I may have done wrong, and fixing it.

I'm using the Mac OS X app v3.6.8.


1 reply

    • Ninox partner
    • RoSoft_Steven.1
    • 2 yrs agoMon, July 11, 2022 at 6:16 PM UTC
    • Reported - view
    Building +"
    "+Street address+"

    I use something like this in a formula field. Make sure the height of that formula field is high enough to display the different lines.

    hard return is like this: (double quotes on the next line)

