Auto generated email

hi, I'm trying to automate the email report. 

Like my aim is to fill fields and then my email would be ready.

Here my workflow : 

Fill fields > Generate email > Mailto from ninox 

I can generate well my email in a "rich text" field 

'Content Kick Off ' := "<h1>Bonjour " + Projects.Client.'First Name' + "</h1> <br/><br/>

Merci encore pour notre entretien de kick off et votre disponibilité ! <br/><br/> [......] "


However, when I mailto the format is not respected. I got everything on 1 line 

here the mailto button 

openURL("mailto:" + Projects.Client.Email + "?" + "cc=" + Projects.Clients.Email + "&" + "bcc=" + "test@test.fr" + "&subject=" + 'Subject Kick Off 🇫🇷' + "&" + "body=" + 'Content Kick Off 🇫🇷')

Do you have any idea how can I keep the format to auto fill the email thanks to the rich text 


A pic of what I get : 

3 replies

    • Danjamesmedia
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Mailto links do not support html so you can't add html formatting (h1, bold, italics, bullets, etc).

    You'll need to use plain text and substitute bullets for dashes. Its easiest to recreate this in multi-line text field rather than a rich text field.

    Its then best practice to wrap each text string in urlEncode(string), which will replace spaces and other characters with their ascii/url-friendly equivalents.


    openURL("mailto:" + Projects.Client.Email + "?" + "cc=" + Projects.Clients.Email + "&" + "bcc=" + "test@test.fr" + "&subject=" + urlEncode('Subject Kick Off ') + "&" + "body=" + urlEncode('Content Kick Off '))

    Alternatively if you wish to send the email using Ninox's sendEmail() function, you can pass in the HTML string.

      • Admin.7
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Dan James (Ninox Partner) thx for your answer ! i can't use the fonction sendEmail since all the mail going to junk ... and the issue with multi line text fiel is the text cannont be well formated ( title, bold ... ) 

      • Danjamesmedia
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Admin We're currently in discussions with product/support about email authentication as many Ninox users are experiencing issues with emails going to spam as they don't authenticate email addresses properly with SendGrid.

      Another approach to get around this is to integrate a 3rd party transactional email system, and this can be done for free using SendInBlue/Amazon SES, or up to 500 emails per month free using the free tier of Make.com using their SMTP module with an existing email account.

      Feel free to reach out to me via https://danjamesmedia.com and I can assist with configuration of this.


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  • 2 yrs agoLast active
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