Dynamic choice field - showing Id instead of description in print view
Can anyone help please, this is driving me mad. I have a table called 'Inspection Report', and within this is a dynamic single choice field pulling from another table called 'Mechanical Services'.…
Duplicate Layout Elements Needed
Wow, wouldn't the ability to copy/paste, or duplicate layout elements be nice.
Search for tables with part of their name or with certain conditions
I have a mac database and I will need to create from a button a separate table for each customer in my database (the list of customers is another table).…
Field after update triggers.
Is it possible, in a field after update trigger, to view the previous value and the updated value? If so, would it be possible to give me a bit of sample code.…
Trigger after update previous value.
I created my own audit trail, where when a field is modified, another record is created and linked to that table that records the modification. One example is: (and this action is recorded in a field,…
Why Im getting endless loop here?
let Srch := 'Search';let Find := false;let Counter := 1;while Find = false do let Slct := (select Company where Id = Counter).Employees; if Slct = Srch then'WD TXT' := "Found it";…
Combo box only showing first 100 fields from the source table
I am using the trial version and not sure whether that is the problem but the drop down combo box which has over 300 fields only shows the first 100.
How to limit user to fill the fields in the form, but not see the list of records in that table
Hello! I searched for the solution, but cant find it. I have a tablet that i give to a client so he can fill the form in the table Clients. But i dont want him to be able to see other records in that…
Print limit
I have a data base invoice set up, where there is a subtable of linked line items (products and prices) plus a totaliser function summing all lines to give a total price.…
Table function
By which I mean a function that can be called from any field/column in that Table. I have a function to update a couple of fields based on the values of 2 other fields and really need to call that…
Drop Down Combo Choice Box - Load with value from another table
Does any one know if it is possible to have a combo choice box on main form and instead of manual prefixing the choice list - have the combo look up the choices dynamicly from another table ie I want…
Filtering with many arguments in a related table
Hi, I wonder if you can give some ideas on how to find a solution for this: I have a table of Spares related to a table of Instruments, I have a Report table that stores many instruments in the table…
Administration/Maintenance/Wrench mode
Is it possible to detect this mode? I thought userHasRole("admin") could be used for this, but a user's rights are not the same thing as being in 'Administration' mode or not.…
Another Multiple Choice (Dynamic) question
How can the list of choices be filtered? Sorting the list is straightforward, but I cannot figure a way to filter them. By which I mean e.g. select choices where Id > 2 The idea is that the list of…
- Answered
Child Records – Creating a Virtual List
There are times, when the number of child records of a parent becomes large, that it would be useful to be able to search, sort and aggregate the child records without changing the set-up of the view…
Import attachments or send file via rest api
Hello, I've been trying to import files into my ninox database for a long time, but after contacting the support we noticed that it was impossible because I use characters not allowed: accent, __,…
need help to customize cards
Hi all, I am looking forward to find a way to customize the look of fields in a card template. What I'd like to do is as in th very nice tutorial here : https://www.nioxus.…
Provide a ninox interface to the iOS app "shortcut"
Hello again. I'm trying to communicate automatically between Ninox and some of the iOS apps. This is dozen of clicks ans go and return between applications to make only one appointment for example .…
End Expected
I have the following code in Table Level, at trigger after update, but im getting End Expected: if at line 9, column 2 (Im an absolutely newbie to coding) let a := record(Marketplace,…
Cant record
Cant create any new records, i tryed in samsung tab s7, samsung S21 and pc
Format number as currency
Hi How do I set a field as a curency field? I still want to be able to show totals, etc. - so I guess I want this as an underyling number. I just want it shown with the correct currency symbol.…
Import into table with Multiple Choice (Dynamic) field/column
I have the MC(D) working, but need to import a lot of records into the table. They currently exist in a spreadsheet with that column already filled with the correct data,…
Forum search bug
The forum search seems to give a 404 if I search with some terms. For example, if I search for the word "Authorization", I get a 404 error. https://ninox.…
HTTP GET Calls with Headers
Hi I'm really struggling with making HTTP GET calls. I'm setting _url to the https URL, and _headers to a JSON object with an auth header. If I use the following syntax: let response := http("GET",…