Whats going on with global script?

So I have had a script in the trigger after opening on the global options section. This script has been running for about just over a month perfectly fine.

Yet a couple of days ago it has ceased the work - Just stopped - not been touched or changed in anyway (cloud version)

this is the script

let d := if weekday(today()) = 3 then today() + 4
if weekday(today()) = 4 then today() + 4 else today() + 2 end
if cnt(select JobDockets where DispatchBy = d and Promised = true) > 0 then
Alert("Some promised jobs are due to be dispatched in next 2 days")

This script relys on a dispatchby date being set ie 2 days from today and a promised flag being true and just looks for the first job it can find that gives a match (thats all i need to know as I have a daybok view showing all promised jobs. I just want to be reminded whne I log in

so when I log in - it will only work whne bot conditions are true.

the bit about when today () = 3 then add 4 to it is only to skip weekends (ie login thursay then test for monday due date)

as stated it has been working fine but now stopped

if I strip out the code re date() and just test on promised flag it works

so whats changed - have ninox uupdated something and th function Date() has been got at or is anyone elase have iaaasues with scripts that were find biut now dont work?

any insight would be welcomed

