Search with configurable fields to show
The search options only shows the first 7-8 fields in a database. Please, add the ability to select what fields to show
Default View when opening a database
It would be helpful to have the option to set a default Table View when opening a database.
Confirm box option when add new record
To avoid adding records unintentionally
Need for a better backup solution.
I had a major issue yesterday that made me need to restore from a backup. I have been manually backing up once every 8 hours, so I lost some of my work.…
Suggest include modulo function in documentation
Hi, I think it would be useful to document the modulo function (%). I couldn't see any mention of it in the Math function reference list. I find it very useful for filtering:…
Drag and drop text into a text field
Yep, that's what I wish could be done. It only works if the Ninox text field is selected before you go grab the text to drop in.
Multiline field name header
Just a suggestion for table view field names. It would allow for descriptive header without making the columns too wide.
Better search in Support/Manual. Need to be able to search for phrases.
I rarely find what I need when I search the manual. Yesterday I searched for "delete multiple records." Got no help! Why? Because search the manual only searches by single words.…
Bigger Pictures on table
Hi, Is there the possiblity that the table view can show bigger pictures so when scrolling through the table looking for a person you can see the photos clearly instead of the tiny little picture we…
I used
I used the Hide Table feature and now can't unhide the Table?
Where I can find a Notice for Ninox in French
Where I can find a Notice for Ninox in French
Custom Icons
Could it be possible to add a small feature to add custom icons? Sort of something like this? (I Edited it on photoshop of what it could look like.)
Ninox App Fenster bewegen
Eine Kleinigkeit, die aber irgendwie stört: Wenn ich mit Ninox am Mac arbeite, muss ich öfter mal das Programmfenster zur Seite schieben um mit einem anderen Programm (Mail, Kalender, etc.…
User Roles and Printing
I would like to see print templates restricted by user role. Something like the new feature in v2.4 where views are restricted would be perfect.
My feeling is Ninox would be better as a file based database.
I want to preface this by saying I do like Ninox, I just think it could be much better by making this change. Most of the issues I've encountered since buying Nonox are related to how Ninox manages…
Remove View Warning and Undo
Far too easy to accidentally delete a view. Ninox should warn first and I should be able to undo the action.
Please add "mouseover" capability.
Please add mouseover capability such that when the mouse hovers over a field, the "mouseover test" will pop up / appear. This is a rather common technique to display field level help text. Thoughts?
Showing linked data's
Hello, I've got a table with various lease contracts. Each lease contract is linked to one or more owners. If there is more than one owner, I would like to get the name of the owners linked to one…
Ninox support/forums app
I would like to see a separate Ninox app just for its forums, to easily go on for manuals/support, or an integration into the Ninox app to easily access the forums!
Add files, not just one at a time
It would save time to be able to add files instead of having to add them one at time.
I need to store the results of different tests performed on one motor.
Hi ninox team. I need to store the results of different tests performed on one motor. The amount of tests varies depending on the case. So I want to be able to select only the tests that will be done.…
Suggestion - Add more functions
Can you work on adding more of the standard spreadsheet functions. The MIN and MAX functions that allow the 2nd, 3rd, .... so minimum and maximums to be calculated, would be a great start.…
Ability to Password Protect a Database
I would like to see the posibility to password protect a database.
Increase Calculation Speed
I would like to see some improvement in calculation speed. When I create references to other tables and calculations, such as a moving average, of values,…
Ability to Hide a Tab
Ability to hide tabs, as you can with text fields, or headers using the if then commands.
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