Elementi di layout "Vista"
Penso che sia urgente avere la possibilità di stampare le "Vista". Se si dà la possibilità di crearla è poi imbarazzante non poterla vedere in stampa. A quando il prossimo aggiornamento?…
Send Emails with Standard Paragraphs From Ninox
I've just published a new post which people may find useful about using standard paragraphs to create longer text in Ninox - and then sending the result as an email: https://www.onlinedatabase.…
Physical location in Calendar appointments
Hi Ninox Team, I would like to request a field in the Calendar appointments for a physical location. Such as a office building or factory. I use the iCloud calendar functionality a lot,…
Add sound
It is possible to add a sound when a dialog or a alert window show?
Conditional Formatting of Formula Cells
This is common in Spreadsheets and in the Ragic online database. It enables you to set the colour of the cell/field based on the calculated value. For instance,…
I USE NINOX FROM ABOUT ONE YEAR AND IT IS FANTASTIC! Maybe it's already possible to do it and I did not understand how. It would be very useful to insert the possibility to block and protect a record!…
Bug report with date function
Hi, I noticed apparently a bug or a behaviour that I do not understand with the date function date(2019,10,24)+1 : result = 25 10 2019 -> ok date(2019,10,24)+2 : result = 26 10 2019 -> ok date(2019,…
Month by month table
Hi everyone, I recently used Ninox to catalog my clients. Unfortunately I limit myself to entering data, but actions unknown to me would greatly improve my work.…
Dark Layout Theme
Hey Team, I was thinking about a really good idea for a future feature for ninox. I thought it would be a really nice idea to make a dark theme for it. So it can be a bit easier for certian people…
Adress-book and sms access
I'm managing my professional scheduling with a Ninox personal development. For each appointment, i have to copy-paste the phone number of a new customer, re-seize his name,…
Sending Bulk Emails in Ninox
Following up from an earlier question in the forum, I have written a blog post about sending bulk emails from Ninox - allowing end users to create email templates and send them to people subscribing…
Come il campo formula, date la possibilità anche per il pulsante di avere l'opzione "Lettura autorizzata" Grazie
Chiusura forms
Date la possibilità di eliminare dalla vista la "X" per chiudere la maschera.
Make (fx) field properties available in the editor
Version 2.5.4 is a great update for UI building and I'm surprised it didn't get a blog mention. My request probably ranks below new array functions in popularity ,…
Make it possible to move a Mac Finder window by clicking on the whole top area
In Ninox for Mac, there is an invisible border in the top area of the Finder window. Below the red line, you can drag and move the window. Under the line, you can't.…
Multipage PDF reports
It would be great to be able to easily create multipage PDF reports. We are trying to use NX to manage contracts that run into about 5 pages and it appears to be a difficult process to do this right…
Are there any plans to increase the functionality of the Rich Text field?
Are there any plans to increase the functionality of the Rich Text field? For example (but not limited to) - Support indented lists... such as indented outlines?…
Copy and Paste a column using a button
Good afternoon all, I am pretty new into coding/ninox. I need a code that can be triggered through the use of a button and allow the user to do the following:…
Insert Date in Calendar after Validation
Hi, I'd like to insert in the calendar a date just when a customer confirms it, is it possible to validate a date with a checkbox like a "yes/no"
Make an Android Widget to fast Add a row to a Ninox Table
Make an Android Widget to fast Add a row to a Ninox Table We use Ninox as a Task Manager At this time, to add a Task, I have to: -Open Ninox App -choose the database -choose the table -click in…
E-Mail Adressen als Standard Username hier im Forum
Ich war ziemlich überrascht, als bei meinem ersten Beitrag hier im Forum, meine E-Mail Adresse als Username angezeigt wurde. Das sehe ich auch immer wieder bei anderen Beiträgen und finde es ziemlich…
Android App - Option to establish the default database and default table
Every time I want to add a record to Ninox, I lost a lot of time, becase: I have to open the Android Ninox App I have to choose the database I have to choose the table Solution: In Android App,…
Anyone want in Integromat integration
Integromat is an amazing tool for integrating apps and building workflows - but unfortunately there is no prebuilt Ninox (cloud) integration with it. If, like me,…
Message Box
Hi, it would be useful to have a function that open a popup message like: choice := MessageBox("Confirm your operation", logicValueReturn) or symply MessageBox("Now print it out") Thanks
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