Thank You Ninox Developers
I want to express my appreciation for this great and rather simple-to-use app. I've used FileMaker for many years, and I have a 900 record database setup there. FileMaker is way too bloated for my needs and far too complicated. I bought Ninox because it looked simple, and it's a great value. It took me a while to get up to speed, and I'm still learning. The other day I decided it was time to import my FileMaker database to Ninox. I knew this was going to be a lot of work, but I also knew I could not go on with FileMaker. All of my data came across in the import, but there was a lot of reformating to do like text fields that needed conversion to choice and multiple choice fields. Date fields required rebuilding too. All of that was easier than I thought. I did a lot of copy and paste, and fill down. I do wish photos could transfer too. I still have a lot of work to do to get my new Ninox database completed. What I will say is that comparing Ninox and FileMaker side-by-side I can see that from here on out I will have a much easier time managing my database with Ninox. Thanks.
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- 6 yrs agoLast active
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