New Template for Revenue and Expenditure
Và rivista la grafica del calendario. Orario, è impossibile selezionarlo dal calendario, in quanto lo spazio è insufficiente. Inoltre manca la possibilità di avere un calendario per ogni utente.…
problem Bottom navigation bar ipad pro 11"
Will there be an update to correct the issue that i no longer have acces to the buttons in ninox ? (see pic)
New Template for Revenue and Expenditure
...optimized for mobile phones (iPhone, Android)
Rechnungen, die Vorlage
Nov/Dez 2018 - rebuild
Please fix printRecord error
On Ninox for iPad the printRecord function fails to work properly. Using the syntax given in the manual, printRecord(record('My Table Name', 1), "My Layout Name"),…
French notice please...
How to do when you're not good in english.... Thanks. Chris
Please consider enabling the user() function fields for the ninoxApp version.
We live in a connected world, but the reality is... wifi / cellular connectivity is not always available. If I have an application that is running only on an iPad..…
Make dialogs/modals draggable.
Most models are centered and cant be dragged around.
button - selected date matches record date - print record
Hi I'm trying to design a button for when a selected date (on a form "Report Date") matches a record date (Drying.ID) and prints the related record (recordId).…
Protection of altering database with password
It would be interesting if you could protect the "wrench" button on the top right with a password so there can not be altered on the database itself by users of that database except the developer.…
Occorre la necessita di rendere i pulsanti visibili a scelta. Ora per far ciò occorre scrivere una formula all'interno di "Mostra solo i campi se". In effetti dobrebbe essere come gli altri campi
Kudos to whomever posted 35_Cash Flow Calendar and Projection in the Webinar EN 2018 Team!
Kudos to whomever posted 35_Cash Flow Calendar and Projection in the Webinar EN 2018 Team! Good documentation pattern to include a "Help" table explaining how to use the sample solution.…
Thank You Ninox Developers
I want to express my appreciation for this great and rather simple-to-use app. I've used FileMaker for many years, and I have a 900 record database setup there.…
Provide language translation of multiline text field.
Has anyone provided language translation of multiline text field? Here is a pretty simple hack using google api. While it does return a "valid JSON" block, the block is a set of item arrays..…
Please make relations part of the tab order.
Please make relations part of the tab order. Once the relations field has the "focus" .. an "enter" should be the same as a "click" event. OR.. provide the ability to populate a choice with the…
My wish list.
1) Improve the manual. There's some info about the field differences, but not enough. The manual also needs a useful find function, as does the forum. 2) Add a "Not Equal To" filter.…
Console / Debugger
It would be helpful if the Console would continiously dump output. Here is the scenario.. I have a script that is scrubbing about 9,000 records.. it is also doing cross selects and setting some…
Drag and Drop Improvements
I wish I could dsrag and drop into text fields that aren't selected. I think you know what I am talking about. It really slows down the work.
Improvements to Find and Find Command
Having two Finds is confusing. I have trouble remebering which one does what. My suggestion is to combine the sidebar Find and the menu command Find together in the sidebar Find,…
Feature Request.. Please allow text boxes to be sized to as small as their name / label..
Feature Request.. Please allow text boxes to be sized to as small as their name / label.. Given the following image.. it would be great if the "Bonus" field would be able to be sized smaller..…
More options for handling images
Since I'm using Ninox as to coordinate text and image editing, I'd like to request more options when you right click an image: (1) Download or Save As, rather than just opening the image up in…
Remember on close / reopen
Ninox does a pretty good job remembering where it was when I flip between tables.. How about if it can remember where it was when I close and then reopen the application ? For example..…
omo puedo redondear un valor en el formulario o en una linea de una factura?
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