Hello, I would like to display the barcode of a base number/text from Ninox. Is this possible?
let plainPied := 'Plain-pied';let chambre := Chambres;let villeBien := text(Ville);let typeDuBien := concat(Type);let prixDuBien := 'Prix F.A.I à supprimer';let statut := Statut;let typeRecherche :…
Add color to line breaks and spaces
It would be nice to be able to add a color to line breaks and spacers to use them as visual dividers in record layouts.
Record directly print
Ciao, With the SHIFT + COMMAND + P keys you can directly create the pdf of a table to print. Is there a key combination to directly create the pdf of a record? Grazie Valter
N of determined record
I have a table where I generate invoices and budgets. A selection field marks whether it is an invoice or a budget. How can I automatically get the next invoice or budget number?…
Ciao, purtroppo non capisco niente di programmazione. Mi servirebbe creare un pulsante che esportasse dei campi precisi, scelti tra quelli disponibili, da una tabella ad un'altra. Ma non so come fare.…
Problem with loop
Hi team support ! First, apologies for my english. I'm working of a project of management for my agence. I have 3 tables - TRANSACTIONS - BIENS - Direct Link - VENDEURS - Subtable linked to…
export a pdf
How can I export a pdf from ninox. I have a image field that included pdf and I what with a button (programmation) export the PDF or a BATCH of files.
insert sous-table in layout invoice ?
Hi, In my invoice table, I have a sous-table with all products (qty, price,...) ordererd by the guest. i made a printable layout and I insert this sous-table.…
How to create a sort order
I want to dispaly a table in order, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc I know I could sort this by renaming them 01-Monday, 02-Tuesday etc Is there a way I can define my sort order and have them sorted…
Printing PDFs from an Android device.
PDF printing is not supported by Android. I think it would be a nice thing to include in the next version of Ninox for Android.What do you think about it?Eric
Dialog with text input
it would be really useful to have a dialog in the scripting language which prompts a user for some text.
Hi I'm a complete novice with ninox at the moment, i was getting on fine with it till i triesd to connect to my email addressee emails. When i click on the small evelopes it takes me to another…
Untertabelle Summe
Hallo zusammen, ich würde gerne die MwST aus der Summe von der Untertabelle berechnen, geht das?
Delete key
Hello, I propose a small improvement because the problem mentioned has happened to me several times.On the editing page, it would be wise to shift the basket from the "+" key,…
Great experience
Great experience with Ninox
500 Internal server error!!!!
I have a script where I look up a record in a table through the API. It worked couple of days ago but now i constantly get 500 Internal server error let ninoxProductUpdate := do as serverhttp("POST",…
Die Funktion importFile(rpt,URL) sollte funktionell erweitert werden
In der gegenwärtigen Definition von importFile() muss an der zweiten Stelle eine vollständiger WWW URL stehen. Dateien im lokalen File-System lassen sich nur händisch einzeln herunterladen,…
Das Fenster des Formeleditors sollte die linke Seitenleiste des Ninox Fensters nicht überdecken.
Gegenwärtig bleibt bei allen Funktionen (Tabellen/Formular/Feldoptionen) die linke Seitenleiste mit den Tabellen unverdeckt. Lediglich der Formeleditor macht hier eine unnötige Ausnahme (wer schreibt…
Would this work better on Windows 10
How to create company customer list with multiple contacts?
Good afternoon! I am creating a list of clients, which are companies. I'm almost done, but I'm having trouble designing the contact section. The problem with some companies,…
Request for a new command : "openFile"
With the new "on click" trigger it is possible to insert an openRecord command: For example, in a formula field, you can place a call to an image field in the formula script,…
Scripting a CSV / Excel Export
The Export as Excel / CSV function only allows global access to the function, rather than table by table. It would be good if exporting an Excel or CSV could be scripted into a button,…
Posso com um campo de um banco de dados abrir campo em outro banco de dados?
Tenho 2 bancos de dados conforme em anexo. Um com agendamento e outro com Prontuario medico. Preciso que por exemplo quando clico em Jose Pedro no agendamento ele leve para Jose Pedro no Prontuario…
Can I control the llok of the table accuaretely?
I am a newbie and have watched the videos from NINOXUS on YouTube. But how can I make this really and truly WYSIWYG?
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