Would this work better on Windows 10
How to create company customer list with multiple contacts?
Good afternoon! I am creating a list of clients, which are companies. I'm almost done, but I'm having trouble designing the contact section. The problem with some companies,…
Request for a new command : "openFile"
With the new "on click" trigger it is possible to insert an openRecord command: For example, in a formula field, you can place a call to an image field in the formula script,…
Scripting a CSV / Excel Export
The Export as Excel / CSV function only allows global access to the function, rather than table by table. It would be good if exporting an Excel or CSV could be scripted into a button,…
Posso com um campo de um banco de dados abrir campo em outro banco de dados?
Tenho 2 bancos de dados conforme em anexo. Um com agendamento e outro com Prontuario medico. Preciso que por exemplo quando clico em Jose Pedro no agendamento ele leve para Jose Pedro no Prontuario…
Can I control the llok of the table accuaretely?
I am a newbie and have watched the videos from NINOXUS on YouTube. But how can I make this really and truly WYSIWYG?
Why not a function who duplicate a table??
Its even more useful the dublicate database.Many times I have two or three tables who have the same fields, and I also want them to have exactly the same look.…
Why does hitting return or escape cause the computer to beep? It should simply register the value you've entered, or leave the field (in the latter case).
This standard in every application in the known universe. Why does Ninox feel the need to not follow this convention????? Soooooooooooo annoying.
Sample Ninox integrations with Quickbooks online
Are there any sample Ninox Cloud databases that demonstrate integration of Ninox with Quickbooks online? I am interested in syncing contact information,…
How to stop in-line editing on the Table View? Anyone knows?
How to stop in-line editing on the Table View? Anyone knows?
Contact Database
Hi, I have a contact database and would like to create a table that records attendance at meetings. For example, table might be called meetings, when you launch it offers to create a meeting and…
Color Code Due dates on form
Is it possible to color code due dates on the form and table? I know that you can on the calendar and in other fields, but can't figure it out for a "date" field. Thanks, Kari
How to remove the duplicate button in a form view?
In invoice form I program a automatic number but if I use the duplicate button I have identical invoice number. It is possible to gray out the duplicate number? Do I have to use role?
Define a start up script / default table open view
Folks.. any thought about providing the capability to define a "start up" script? This script would execute upon database open. In conjuction with this request..…
A plugin for Gatsbyjs the react based blazing fast static site generator
A plugin for Gatsbyjs the react based blazing fast static site generator https://www.gatsbyjs.org, then ninox could also be used easily as a headless cms and take on companies like https://www.…
Ability to export a file to a dropbox location
Would be useful to have the ability to export a csv file to a dropbox location as one of the options to overwrite a file of on the shareable view the option for the public view to have .…
Connector for Microsoft Flow/Power Automate/Logica Apps
It would be great to see a connevctor for Microsoft Flow or Power Automate as it is now known or logic apps which is the same thing nut on azure. The one for integromat works really well,…
Shortcut for administration
Shortcut key for on-off administration on Mac would be good.
Is in Ninox a text simplification formula?
Is in Ninox a text simplification formula? ...eg: "Máša má ďatľa 20" to "Masa ma datla 20" many thanks
Is there an undo button?
Is there an undo button
Data Model suggestion
Hi, The Data Model we get is created by Ninox. We are not allowed to modify it. If we have a many tables in a DB it is not easy to look at the Data Model and understand the whole model and the links…
Info how managing quantity
I am creating a management system for my warehouse.For some products I need to keep under control the number of daily (and weekly) orders.So the product should no longer be available if the order…
Is there a "Best Practices" paper for Ninox developers?
I come from a background where we required three servers to develop a solution: development server, staging server and production server. With Ninox it is so easy to make changes,…
How to assign a value to a choice popup field?
Within a Ninox script, how can I assign a value to a choice popup field?
How to know when there are simultaneous users?
How can Ninox tell the current user when other users are using the same database at the same time, and provide the names of the current users?
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