Better Find in the Mac App.
Find in the Mac app, whether using the sidebar find or the table find, does not work anywhere near as good as it does in the iOS apps. I wish it did. It should act like a filter.…
Ninox BETA Team - Change Requests
Hello, I am a member of the Ninox BETA Team, and I quite often add ideas and suggestions in the change Request database. Does Ninox still review this database,…
Add Triggers when clicking on a record in a sub table or view
Ability to kick off a trigger script when the user clicks on a row in a sub table or view that is displayed in the form, so you perform an action prior to viewing the sub record.
How to account for holidays when calculating workdays?
Assume we are using the Project Template database.. A Project has a Beginning and an End function field that pulls the min / max of subproject dates. I added a Holiday table that has a HolidayDate…
Is that possible to fix the header of Ninox app on Mac OS?
It happens a lot that we want to move Ninox app to other side of screen and resize that and it selects all text and images we have!!! Thanks
Ninox Update
Hey guys, I was wondering when is the next big ninox update? and whats going to be in it? (if you can talk about it that is) Thanks!
Create tables with autonumbering with ease.
Since i see a lot of questions passing by on this forum about autonumbering I desided to make an template with a little different approach. Just posted it in the Webinar EN 2019 team.…
How do I view the table only on startup?
HI! I am sorry if I am missing something here, but how to I view the form with the first record right away when I open the table. For now once I open the table first thing in the morning it shows me…
How to Mass Create Records in a Sub-Table.
I now have packages arriving internationally and have found that they may have several tracking numbers as they move through various countries and/or carriers.…
Sending Calendar Entries from Ninox
Earlier today, a client asked me how to send booking confirmations including .ICS calendar files so that they would be added to the attendee's calendar.…
Une image statique pour tous les records d'une table
Hello to you,How to reproduce the same image automatically on all the records of a table. When creating a new form, I want the image field to be static by default, is this possible?
How to fix ‘QuickBooks Unable to Backup Company File’ Error?
QuickBooks Unable to Backup Company File.
Graphic data per Year/Month
Hi, I have interest to view DATA by GRAPHIC. My DATA are information per month and year. It’s possible show all DATA per YEAR in the same graphic? This is the DATA:…
Different layout for desktop and mobile
I would really like to set a different form lay-out when I open my DB on a desktop vs. when i open it on my iPhone in Safari.
Table labels
Hi, when I have many tables, it would be nice to have something to organize table menu, for example labels.
It could be great to get the possibility to zoom when editing the layout... Thanks a lot !
How can I kopie a record from one table to a other table with a click click
How can I kopie a record from one table to a other table with a click click
How to transfer Zimbra to Gmail
If you want to transfer Zimbra to Gmail account using any professional solution like KDETools Zimbra to Gmail Converter to transfer Zimbra directly to Gmail, G Suite, Google Drive, and so on,…
I asked a question about a year ago. DOCUMENTATION? Your ansvar was: SOON. Last month I asked the same question and your reply was again: SOON. Are you a serious company or what?????
Tableview row number
How can i add row number to my tableview so when i print it out it shows row number, not id number
Sorting records on print
I have a table that has a child table. The first table has the heading informtation for my report. It's child table has the line items for the report.I can do this well,…
Chart with total invoices/month for Three years
Hello, I am a new Ninox user. Working as a physiotherapist, I made a Patient table and another Consultation. Everything is going well, I can view the consultations of each patient and edit the…
Choice field - How can I paste values, not manually insert? (200+ choises, street name)
Is there any option for choise field to insert values from copy-paste not to insert manually? I have a list of 200 street name that i want to select. Thank you
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