How can I kopie a record from one table to a other table with a click click

How can I kopie a record from one table to a other table with a click click

2 replies

    • Mconneen
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    You can create a button .. and in the button's "on click" ... add a script that creates a row in 'other table' and sets the values based on 'one table'

    • Alejako
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    An example,

    You add a Button in your table an in On Clck .....


    let xName_member := 'Nombre colaborador';
    let xLast_name_member := 'Apellidos colaborador';
    let xTelefono_colaborador := 'Telefono colaborador';
    let xDNI_colaborador := 'DNI colaborador';
    let xEmail_colaborador := Email_colaborador;
    let xRol_colaborador := 'Rol Colaborador';
    let xProfesion := 'Profesión';
    let xResponsible := Responsible;
    let xIBAN_Colaborador := 'IBAN Colaborador';
    let r := (create Responsable);
    let xId := r.number('Nr.');
    Family.(Responsible := xId);
    r.(Nombre := xName_member);
    r.(Apellidos := xLast_name_member);
    r.('Móvil' := xTelefono_colaborador);
    r.(DNI := xDNI_colaborador);
    r.('Email nuevo' := xEmail_colaborador);
    r.(Rol := xRol_colaborador);
    r.('Profesión' := xProfesion);
    r.(IBAN := xIBAN_Colaborador);
    alert("Member converted in Responsible")