I asked a question about a year ago. DOCUMENTATION? Your ansvar was: SOON. Last month I asked the same question and your reply was again: SOON. Are you a serious company or what?????
12 replies
Kim - we have written a detail, indexed Ninox User's Manual with hundreds of illustrations and explainations of the Ninox system and its use.
It's free for all of our members at
Check it out.
I am aware of this, but i should not pay for a product i allready paied for. AND i do not need a beginners documentation. I need the complete documentation of the NINOX NX language. I do not think you can provide me with this, or do you have access to more than the NINOX company?
Kim - Our Programming in Ninox section of the User's Manual is complete documentation of the Ninox NX Language
How do you know that it is complete? Your manual are only the NINOX manual organized in a nother way. Do you have commands, keywords, functions, statements or other things related to the NINOX language that i can't see in the NINOX manual?
Yes Kim - we work very hard to keep it complete and no, it is not simply the NINOX manual organized in another way. Commands - YES. Keywords - YES. Functions - YES. Statements - YES. Best Practices - YES. How-To - YES. Copy-and-Paste code samples - YES.
Best Practices? I suppose beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
I wasn't going to participate in this thread because @Kim was making valid points without my help and because I'm simply tired of a topic that has been met with token appeasement and apparent apathy by Ninox. However, a truck driver with too much time on his hands faced with a poster, @Nioxus, that usually comes across like a fart in an elevator is a catalyst too great to ignore.
@Nioxus, it is disingenous and dishonest to say that your manual is free to your members when membership is not free. I don't have a problem with people/businesses trying to make money and I am very familiar with the, offer something for free to get users hooked/interested and then start charging for it paradigm, but at least be honest about it!
@Ninox, you have a knowledge base of information and usage patterns at your finger tips to cull through and format so that it is easy to use for Ninox users who have little or no interest in your webinars. Not everyone learns the same way. It is unfathomable to me that you have not done this yet.
This thing with the Ninox manual became Ancient Greek Drama (Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides).
Its a shame!
Per non parlare poi degli aggiornamenti. Siamo un'azienda paghiamo regolarmente il canone abbiamo chiesto una modifica da qualche anno, e ancora non arriva niente. Poi questa cosa di partecipare a questi eventi, quando basterebbe solo un manuale decente come dice Kim.
Aggiungo inoltre che per me è impossibile seguire i video in quanto sono in lingua inglese.
Ma il sotware è venduto in tutto il mondo, o mi sbaglio?
Speriamo che il tutto sia migliorabile
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- 4 yrs agoLast active
- 12Replies
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