Dynamic Choice Fields reference table
Hi Helpers, I'm having difficulty solving the following code that is used to enter custom data into a table referenced by dMC fields. As an example, The last/highest number(row) in the Number column…
Reverse Order by
Hi all - I was blown away by what a FB user posted in the Ninox English forum. I don't remember seeing this any where else. To do a reverse order by you can just put a "-" in front of the field name…
Using 'alert' to overcome real estate issues.
Ninox could improve the form views a great deal by allowing more control over padding between fields, field sizes, font sizes and so on. There is a lot of wasted space in my opinion,…
chatGPT - Ninox code
Just for laughs I asked chatGPT to give me some sample code for Ninox. This was offered: Second request it offered Let in place of var
Step-by-step onboarding available in German
To our community of German speakers
: 4 chapters are ready for you to explore Ninox step-by-step. For more information about this new section in our documentation,…
Styling a portion of a formula
I have tried this without success so far. Is there a way to Style 'Files' only bit in this formula. Files is a formula given the number of attachments for this record.…
[SOLUTION] Mac native Ninox app date format (Ventura fix)
Hello, I am sure this is going to be helpful. This guide is for those who need to change date format displayed in a Mac native Ninox app and don't know how to do it,…
New Version 3.7 - 2 things that irritate me.
There have been 2 things that have irritated me over the last couple of years. I'll use my customer quote form as the example 1. That fact that you can double click on table of quotes and edit the…
Can add comment to the Ninox query language
Is there possibility to add comment lines in the Ninox query language?
Ninext : Native JavaScript
I start here a new post about the Native JavaScrip to differentiate it from the EvalJS function in which I had previously put it... I discovered one weekago that it was possible to add comments in…
Why doesn’t a specific APK on my package installer always say “app not installed”?
Many times, the APK gets downloaded on SD card or you might try to install it from external mount then it may show you error because of contamination of file.…
Integrating eMail HTML code for Outlook appointment invitation
Here goes: We have a "ToDo-List" function in our CRM but instead of sending regular e-mails with lists of ToDos sorted by urgency, I would like to facilitate incorporating the ToDos into the Outlook…
Displaying a field that is null based on formula
I have a Serial No text field for input and once filled in is made invisble and replaced by a formula field showing the data. Idea being that it can not be changed once entered.…
Customized button
Hello everybody, I added the buttonEvent to Ninext. This allows to dynamically change the caption, the color and the help title of a button. Just add the onUpdate function in the "Display field only,…
Fix to resize Console window
I don't know how it all works. I just figured out how to implement the code that Jacques posted here. Thank you very much Jacques. This code can be entered in "Trigger after open",…
How to Create Checklists / Tasks
I've just published a blog post called 'Creating Checklists in Ninox' which you can see here: http://software.kirknessassociates.com/blog_files/e7d4179b07c6bcb203ae50a5b26e828f-42.…
Child record table with dynamically header
Is it possible to change the header of a child record table dynamically? I kind of came up with an ugly but working workaround :D. But would be nice to have a better solution.
Every day
Hi everyone i made a clients list but i need every day to start a new fresh list after that i can view the clients for each day and month reports
MAC Address mask for input of text field
In my field of work, Audio Visual, we record MAC addresses. It would be very nice if one of the format options for a text field was for a MAC address. Typically: 00:10:7F:CF:D0:6F.…
Using the GLOBAL Search
I don't use the Global Search anywhere enough, such a useful tool. The reason why it's not used much is because one cannot define the columns one wants to see.…
Holiday Greeting
Christmas is approaching and I do not want to pass without wishing you a happy holiday and happy and prosperous new year. A hug to everyone in this Forum, from Madrid, Spain.
Fill in PDF forms
Doing a search on "pdf forms" in this forum, I see that some Ninox users have asked for PDF form features beyond what Ninox currently offers. We have completed a new PDF forms only solution that may…
Add userEmail() or field to dialog
This is my script to send an email, how do I add the userEmail() or field to it to show the sender email or field content please? let title := "Send Email"; let message := "Do you need to add a CC?…
Sum of "Hours" up to "todays hours"
Hi, I have a list of time records ordered by date, i.e.: - 01-jan-2022, used time 01:30 Hours - 02-jan-2022, used time 00:25 Hours - 05-jan-2022, used time 02:35 Hours. ...…
Ninox Mac app now free
Has anyone else gotten this email?
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