Create new record on dialog input
I've tried several variations of this (including a function) but so far nothing works. I'd like to enter a customer number ("User card") in a number field ("Get a record"),…
Import lines from subtable
Hi. Does anybody know if there is a easier way to import lines from a subtable, rather than doing the click-select hundreds of times? Like some sort of button or function...…
Default viewer for pdf files
I am using Ninox on mac, v2.4.0. When I try to open attachments that are pdf files, they are opened in Preview, although the default pdf viewer on my mac is not Preview.…
how can i automate the importation of small text files in Ninox ?
i have plenty of text files and i want to import them in ninox i tried to put up a csv file of them but looks like ninox doesn't recognise the CR for example, a text file like this :…
Transfert estimate record to invoice
Hello all, I have a table named estimates with a sub-table estimate items who are linked to customer and I have a table named invoices with a sub-table invoice items who are also linked to customer.…
Import files from Amazon S3
I have a bunch of files that are currently stored on Amazon S3. I have tried to import some into specific records using importFile(this, "The S3 URL") The files are set to public but I can't import…
Number Questions
I have a main "Projects table" that i have a relationship with my "Punch List table" and want to generate auto number but add the "Id" from the "Projects Table" Currently i have the auto number…
Is it possible to re-order the tabs?
i'd like to send an attachment with an email, can i ?
i tried : sendEmail({from: "laurentstmont@icloud.com",to: "laurentstmont@icloud.com",subject: "Hello World!",text: Text1 + 'rubrique' + Text2,att: file(this, "toto.pdf")}) att: file(this, "toto.…
Transfer a Ninox DB
If I develop a DB for someone else, can it be transferred to them, provided they also buy the app?
How do i make a column in a view invisible?
“hide column” just removes it from the view, together with its folter, sort etc etc, rather than hiding it. I need to sort on a column that I don’t want displayed.
How do I Exit out of 'View' 'Find in view' back to previous page showing ALL records
How do I Exit out of 'View' 'Find in view' back to previous page showing ALL records
Export to Excel file not exporting dates correctly?
Hi There, It seems as though dates aren't exporting correctly to excel files, please could you advise
How to link table entry multiple times?
I have a table of upcoming events, and in another table which I have linked the Venue details. I would like to be able to link it multiple times to save time from repeating the same info for the same…
Email field
Good evening, is it possible to add an email address as Cc or CCn in the email field? many thanks
Setting up my database (Beginner question)
I am a novice user. I am keeping the data base for a membership organization. Members are household consisting of either 1 individual, or households with up to three people.…
I need a way to create inspection records using the table of active fire extinguishers.
I have to perform routine inspections on stuff like fire extinguishers. I need a way to create inspection records using the table of active fire extinguishers.…
Popup related record
I can't seem to get this to work at all: Two related tables: Start and Users. Users table has Id field and User Card Number. All I want to do is enter the User Card Number from the Start table and…
Strange behavior
When you subtract two numbers from different fields and then convert the result to text and then get the length of the text, the comma will be counted if the number field being subtracted from is…
Is there a plan tot introduce "before create" and "before update" triggers
Hello, Will Ninox support "by create" and " after update" triggers. Is there a plan to introduce alse "before update" or/and " before create" triggers, that would be very helpfull.…
Hello. I have a main table called projects and a sub table for my submittal log and i want to know how i can autogenerate submittal numbers? They are 3 digit and every project starts at 001 my…
Time rounding
Hello everybody. How do I round a time (Zeitdauer) to the next 0.25? If it were a normal float, it would be `round (number * 4) / 4`, but it is not.
I want that the custumer my order signt bur how can. i do that?
format time in hh:mm
Hello, how can I format a field to display it in hours and minutes? I have a function field named "Duration" wich display for example: 2 days 0:28:14.358 and I want to show in hours and minutes as 48:…
Calculated field
Hello, I’m new to Ninox and would like to have a calculated field (age category) from birthdate. I have DatNai field which is birthdate. I created ‘Categorie Age’ that I’d want to populate.…
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