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Choice field changing text field
Hi! I have a choice field with multiple options and I'd like to change a nearby text field. Can I do this? I'm trying something like this in the "trigger after update" of the choice field:…
use if logical syntax
Hello, I have on y calculated field this logical formula: if Usuario = "ESM" then 1 else 0 end . But it does not work, even if the field Usuario contains the text "ESM" it always give me 0.…
calculate time elapsed between two concomitant records
Hi, I would like to know how to calculate time elapsed between to concomitant records; for example a record have a field named date_time and I would like to know the time elapsed between record 1 and…
Datum aus Datumsfeld mit einer Anzahl an Monaten addieren
Hallo zusammen, mal wieder ein "Problemchen". Ich habe ein Datumsfeld und einen Turnus (monatlich, vierteljährlich, halbjährlich, jährlich). Je nach Turnus möchte ich das Datumsfeld + die…
How to make the selection of a value in one choice field force the selection of a value in another choice field
I've tried the following formula, but while it doesn't throw up any error messages, it also doesn't seem to have any effect! if 'Choice 2' = "A" then'Choice' := "Q IN"else'Choice' :…
Customized view when searching a linked table?
When I enter information in the data entry form, I have a field for a linked table that I can either search or add a new record to. This is standard for Ninox.…
Dove finiscono i vari database creati ?
Se io creo database diversi, dove vengono salvati ? Ho provato a fare un database con dati sensibili (inventario oggetti valore), alla fine ho salvato questo database su un supporto esterno e poi…
How do I un link a table from another table? Can I link one table to a number of tables? Can I link a single entry to another table?
How do I un link a table from another table? Can I link one table to a number of tables? Can I link a single entry to another table? Eg tables:- Workers Field Hands Packers Machinery Workers Can i…
How to update column with existing records to match the imported data
I am new to Ninox and imported data from excel into connected tables. I want to transfer the data from the excel-imported column to a ninox-created column. How do I transfer the data over?
Importing dropdown lists
I have a csv file where some of the fields were dropdowns (=select one item from a list). When I import the csv file and set a set a field to "Choice" in the import assistant,…
How to sync my data base netwenn Ios and web?
How to sync my data base netwenn Ios and web?
Automatically move data
Hi, I have 2 tables one called “Banned” and one called “Previously Banned” the tables fields are identical. Is there a way i can get a record to move from the “banned” to the “previously banned” once…
Views: Filtering Values
Hi, Ninox support, I have a table with a column "Age" (in years). If I want to enter the value as years and months, (e.g. 2 yrs 4 months), how should I do? And then,…
How to link add data with a button click
Hello, I have this formula let p := (create Renovaciones);p.(Temporada := "2018-2019"); that let me add the p. to the table Renovaciones. In Renovaciones I have a box for the current user linked.…
How to calc sum of date specific entries in one table from another
Hi, I’m new to Ninox, having come from HanDBase for iOS (which I found had a simpler method of calculation). I’m trying to create a table that summarises entries in another table for a given date.…
Can you place the "€" signs left in a tabel and the amount on te right in printing mode?
I would like to print invoices. I juse a table to include al the products. The position of € is based on how much digites the amount is. Can I chande this by lining the € sign to the left of the…
Trigger on Drop down Choice does not work
Hi, I am trying a trigger from a Choice Combobox field but it does not work concept := if Classification = "Concept" thentext("true")elsetext("false")end Any advice? Thanks
Trigger based on multiple fields
Hi, I am trying to trigger based on inputs from multiple fields, this is my effort - any advice? country := if CHINA = 1 and EU = 0 and GB = 0 and US = 0 thentext("true")elsetext("false")end
If Statement between dates
I am trying to figure out a formula to give a value using the If statement but am struggling to make it work. I need something like this: if 'datefield' >= '01 Aug 2016' and <= '31 Jul 2017' then…
How do I delete a database?
Control to view web page?
Is there a field type or way to display a web page in a form? For example, if you have a customer database and want to display their home page in the form, to have an embedded web view, of course,…
choice list
choice list
Waiting Trigger
Is it possible to make a timer so that whenever something is true for example, an Alert() pops up every 10 seconds untill that something is set back as false?…
Database look up
Is it possible to look up a table in a different database? Thanks
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