Formula based on date
I am trying to RTFM... I want to calculate a value based on a date. If the date is before 2017 subtract 20 from Field, or if the date is between 01-07-2018 and 31-12-2019 subtract 10 from Field,…
How to jump to a specific tab in a tables record
Is there a way to jump to a tab? openRecord(recordId, tab) or just tab(name) Here is my application I would like to use a Button I'll call "Details" to update values for a filter and then jump to a…
Fill down data in table view
I have done this but now I can't! I have a column of empty data. I was able to entre a value (text in a text field) directly into the table view. Then I could select the field and drag down to fill…
How to see all items over certain value when another field is a 'yes'
How would you do this?! I have a list of items some of which I want to insure. I have a 'yes/no' field where 'yes' means add to the insurance. But I only want items valued more that € 500 to be on…
How to style the dialog “onclick” button?
I have created a button with a “onClick” dialog, waiting for the user's response: let check := dialog("Atención", "¿Confirma la eliminación de la transacción?", ["Si", "No"]);…
Prevent Duplicate record import
Is there a way to prevent a duplicate record from being imported via CSV file. There is one field that should always be unique so if this field matches an existing record I do not want to import that…
Ninox account - needed for individual user Mac version?
I've bought the Mac version of Ninox and it will be just me using it. I'm using iCloud sync and see that working with my iPad. All Good! But I see the Ninox app want s me to "login and create a team"…
Mac users! What does the macOS version of Ninox look and feel like?
I can pnly see full screen screenshots. Does the macOS version have menus or is it an Electron / web interface pseudo app?
How do I increase the depth of a row in subtable that is showing on a form?
I have a form called Vehicles with two subforms attached to it. One is called Inspections and the other is called Reinspections. The users of the database are using it on an android tablet and find…