Private clouds unavailable
I wonder if the previous message: "Due to a temporary outage at our hosting provider, some Private Clouds are currently unavailable. The service provider is already working to rectify this.…
google script POST to Ninox not working
Hi, I want to send data from Google Sheets to Ninox with API. In Google Script editor I added the following code (so its not a Ninox code): function updateNinox() { var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.…
Image disappears, replaced by spinning wheel
Hello, I have just tried to add an image field. When I upload an image, I can see it normally. When I move to another record and then return, the image is gone and has been replaced by a spinning…
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Location field & Google Maps issue
Reported the following issue to support, but 7 months later they still say its s bug and not fixed. The function is crucial to me and used to work fine before I needed to reinstall the Ninox app in…
Failed to _syncInit message and what to do about it?
Hello, Not sure why but one of my databases on cloud subscription will not open anymore with the error message: Unable to open database syncInit: Failed to _syncInit What has gone wrong and what can…
Formula returning a record causes type mismatch
I have a formula that returns a record. This formula works fine. But whenever I try to use the returned record in a then or else branch, I get a type mismatch. The formula field is OrderItems.…
Fleno Storage
Hi, Yesterday I had used 2.6 GB of the 4 GB I have and without doing much today it appears as used 4.47 GB. Now I am having problems. Does anyone know why this is? How can I fix it?
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Ninox cannot fix email issue
Any send email function does not work. Over the past few months inconsistent operation of email function. Multiple requests fix issue but then only works for a day.…
ninoxLocales.AggregationName is not a function
Hi there I received the following error message yesterday: "ninoxLocales.AggregationName is not a function". What exactly does this mean? Nothing was changed in my Ninox formulas or fields so I don't…
(JSON) Object parser Browser vs. Client
I am despairing of what I would call a bug. I have a function (global) that works fine in the browser, but fails in the app and breaks the entire global script.…
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How to run chatgpt or Claude…
Hi is it possible? I’m not a programmer. I understand ninox script, I can write some simple things but still: it’s far from REAL PROGRAMMING :)) I want to achieve simple things,…
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The Ninox Learning Lab is offered most Thursdays at 12pm EDT/ 5pm BST/ 6pm GMT and is free.
The Ninox Learning Lab is offered most Thursdays at 12pm EDT/ 5pm BST/ 6pm GMT and is free. The Ninox Learning Lab has provided training and support to thousands of Ninox users all over the world…
Mac app upgrade to 3.11.8 failure !!
after upgrading the Mac application, when starting the application, the system issues the attached alert.... could anyone help me ??
Type error: i.updateUI is not a function. (In '.updateUI()', 'i.updateUI' is undefined)
Hey, When I add an image (PDF, JPEG or JPG) to the Ninox database I get this message: Type error: i.updateUI is not a function. (In '.updateUI()', 'i.updateUI' is undefined).…
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Share view no longer works
I have used the "Share view" for a couple of months now and after having worked flawlessly, the link does not work any longer for two particular views. As a result,…
Frustrating time tracking down error fieldnames.
For the past week or so I have had field not found issues when opening a particular table. Spent hours trying to find the missing fields as reported. Even Ninext could not see them.…
Error message before sending an email with attachments
Hello, I created a button allowing me to add documents downloaded from a client, directly into the image fields of a recording that I want to send by email, I got the error message:…
Reference field trigger error
Hello Ninox Brain Trust, I have an error occurring after a trigger for a reference field. Attached will be found a sample database that shows the error in the ‘INVOICE TEMPLATE’ reference field of…
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Where did I go wrong?
I have always encountered this problem when importing from the Mac platform to Android. I succeeded once, but I couldn't import it later. Where did I go wrong?
Select Where Function - Please Help!
PLEASE HELP!!! Please see the data model in the attachment below: I have a table called Static Site Data, Risks and Mitigation Cost per Site, Type Specific Risks, and Risk List..…
NINEXT Error flags - false positive??
I have 7 like this which do not make any sense to me at all. If I follow the wrench I cannot find any issues which reflect this and to be honest the bread crumb does not make sense either.…
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attachments: Add from another table
I have a child table in which I have an email button. This is the script: sendEmail({ from: "alan@blah blah", to: EMAIL, cc: " ", bcc: userEmail(), subject: "A new Task has been added for:…
- Answered
Rant: More Server Issues
Sadly, again I lost my ability to work on my DB last night. Again on a Friday. I can't save any work. The app says I have 6 background processes going and it has been that way for hours now.…
What is the difference between the font and color tags in HTML?
HTML font tag has three main attributes: color, size, and face. Color is used to define the font color, the size attribute defines the size, while the face attribute defines the font face of text.…
MAKE.COM (500 Internal Server Error)
Moin, hat noch jemand seit heute Nacht Probleme mit MAKE.COM und den NINOX Modulen ? Bei mir kommt bei jedem Ninox Modul Fehler 500 Internal Server Error.…