parseXML: Assign corresponding elements of same hierarchy level
Hi everyone, I am trying to import an XML file (GAEB, German construction industry format) and I want to create a Ninox table from it. The XML file always has some categories and one category can…
Fill in PDF forms
Doing a search on "pdf forms" in this forum, I see that some Ninox users have asked for PDF form features beyond what Ninox currently offers. We have completed a new PDF forms only solution that may…
popupRecord for child record via button
Dear Support-Community I'm new at using Ninox and I try to figure out some things. I want tho give the user the possibility to go directly to a child record with a button.…
- Answered
Sort table by month name in numerical month order?
I have a table grouping data by month. When I leave the column as month(my_date) I get months 1...12 and the table is nicely ordered Ascending from 1 to 12 (my choice).…
ninox Docker image
Hi folks. Great to be part of that amazing community :). I can't pull the ninox docker image mentioned here https://docs.ninox.com/en/private-cloud-on-premises/docker-installation .…
OpenAI - GhatGPT
Hi there, Has anyone played around with ChatGPT for Ninox yet? I have just this minute registered on OpenAI and having a look around. It a code generator based on natural language input.…
Add userEmail() or field to dialog
This is my script to send an email, how do I add the userEmail() or field to it to show the sender email or field content please? let title := "Send Email"; let message := "Do you need to add a CC?…
v3.7.11 on MacOS does not like Ninext
Hi all - Anyone else having issues loading @Jacques TUR Ninext with the latest version on MacOS? I just upgraded, always while holding my breath, and when I open a DB with Ninext I get:…
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Global function to work with out all parameters
Is it possible to have a global function that works with out having all parameters defined? Right now I can't see a way, but I'm just diving into global functions.…
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Sum of "Hours" up to "todays hours"
Hi, I have a list of time records ordered by date, i.e.: - 01-jan-2022, used time 01:30 Hours - 02-jan-2022, used time 00:25 Hours - 05-jan-2022, used time 02:35 Hours. ...…
Database for money management
Hello, i am trying to create a banking database. I want to setup two (or more accounts) with the option to create positive and negative transactions for the specific account,…
Select using []
I have two related tables Projects and Work Reports. In the scrren shot below you can see Projects (formula) in the Projects form and below the View of the related Work Reports.…
Hours accumulated
Hi, I have a list of time records ordered by date, i.e.: - 01-jan-2022, used time 01:30 Hours - 02-jan-2022, used time 00:25 Hours - 05-jan-2022, used time 02:35 Hours. ...…
Very simple excel formula not translating across to Ninox... what am i doing wrong?
Hello All I need to calculate the trade price of an item based on the shop margin. In excel i use the formula: RRP * (100% - shop margin) But i can't seem to replicate this in Ninox.…
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Reorder tables?
Is there any way to reorder tables? They are added to the end on the right. I would like to be able to drag and drop them, but I do that unless I'm missing something.
Need to show only the Deliverables that will be issue in the next 7 Days.
Need to show only the Deliverables that will be issue in the next 7 Days, from the DataDate. I need the script that give me information, the information must be taken from the dates FechaP1 to Fecha…
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Ninox Mac app now free
Has anyone else gotten this email?
Ninext : table view and filter box
follow to good idea of @Alan Cooke (see here), i added filter box on table view : Now a box appears when a filter is placed on a table view. If you click on the cross, the filter is removed.…
Upload a single file with POST API
Hi all, Can please someone help me with the following API call within Ninox? What am I doing wrong? I am trying to upload a document in a record and I call this http request from a record with a…
Button to make record
Еhere is a table where all clients are written, and in this table there are several more sub tables. We created a button separately from all tables through it we make entries in all tables.…
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Change "+ Create record"
How do I change the text "+ Create record" for a given table on a form to something else, like "+ Add Invoice"?
Pretty star rating field?
Any suggestions for making a pretty star rating field? Here's what I've got and I don't like it much: If you've done something better looking (or even different) please share. Thanks!
How do I do a text calculation (e.g., First Name & " " & Last Name)
How do I do a text calculation (e.g., First Name & " " & Last Name)? So, if the contact's first name is "John" and his last name is "Doe", I want to create a Full Name calculation that yields the…
multiple languages
Hi everybody, Is there an easy way to crearte tables in multiple languages ? I have a company in diferent countries, where they speak different languages.…
Formula Help Needed
How do I write the formula to display only if "Field" is not like x, w, or z? This is what I have so far but it does not work.