For the Export/Import boffins out there.

If I export a records as an Excel spreadsheet with the ID of all the child tables that the records are linked to and then that spreadsheet is used to add data will the import of that updated spreadsheet import and update all the exisiting records with the new added data?  I assume it will but before I start messing around on a back up DB I would appreciate some feedback.  To explain further.

1.  Project Table = Project ID

2.  Client Table = Client ID

3.  Building = Building ID

4.  Room = Room ID

5.  Manufacturer = Manufacturer ID

6.  Device = Device ID


The data to be captured/entered is device specific eg, serial numbers, port numbers, MAC addresses and so on.

Thje idea is that the export will have all the ID's so that once the info is added I can simply import the spreadsheet and all the records will be matched and the device info will be added to each record.

Am I correct in thinking this should work.  Of course the trick will be to make the exported data protected/hidden.

1 reply

    • Fred
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    boffins? I would like to learn the history behind this. :)