Trying to find a solution (pivot view??)
I have a simple trading journal database. My main form collects initial trade data with opening "trade date". I have a sub-form in that form to collect data for any further adjustments to that…
Create nested array in the form [[51.12344,34.876342],[26.987430,45.123459]]
Sometimes third-party programmes require data in the form of a nested array. Ninox is unfortunately not able to create these simply with the array function.…
Preise für Speicherplatz bei NINOX
Hallo, Was haltet Ihr eigentlich von den Speicherpreisen bei Ninox : 1 GB = 120 Euro / Jahr ? Meine Datenbank ist lokal 14 GB - bei NINOX übrigens knapp 18 GB ! Also muss ich nun 18 Lizenzen kaufen ..…
How to contact support???
I have tried email support@ninox.com, contact form https://ninox.com/en/support/contactus and phone number +49 (30) 9921151-10. My subscription have expired and I need to speak to support before…
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Send mail with attachments from different tables
Hi ! I would like to know how can I send by email, as an attachment, the documents for lines 29, 40 and 51? The "Documents" table is not linked in N:1 --- Générer les textes ---; let nomFacture :…
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Select result if more then one - Rest API
Hi, I have an API-Code in Ninox let auth := { Authorization: "Bearer TOKENNR", 'Content-Type': "application/json" }; let Paiva := 'Inserisci p.iva (solo nr) o cod.fisc.…
I'm trying to write the openapi-api code to import company data from the VAT number. I can't figure out how to tell which value to put in which field. I don't understand anything about API but I'm…
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Dynamic value formula for choice field
I have a table called “contacts”. One of the fields in that table is called “group” and that is a choice field. One of the choices is called “Guests”. I have another table called “entertainment”.…
Seems so hard to get a print layout. Is there a way to create a form that can be used to print? I see either a list print view, or a one page per record print view.
List of attachments in the sendEmail() function
Hi I have the following problem - I am trying to send a list of attachments in the sendEmail() function. Only unfortunately the files in the email can't be loaded.…
Need transfer only the Approved.
I am using this table for the documents that will be incorporated into the main Documents table as scope changes, will not be included in the main table until the scope change is approved by the…
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Storage for small bar
Hello I need a simple initial database for a warehouse in a bar. please share if there is a finished version, no matter how perfect it is, I will finalize it. Thanks for your help
Subscription and payment ER example
Hello, I'm working on a database which required to handle subscription and payment to annual fee and events. Right now, I'm still design this senario in a ER chart. But, I've some doubts.…
Server error??
hey, we have a company server and nobody can seem to connect to Ninox today and today is a German holiday. is there anything at all that can be done???
Transfer all info on table to another table (script don't work)
let me := this; let myA := first(select 'wbs by Documents' where 'Name Document' like me.'Name Document'); if myA = null then if dialog(" Waiting Answer", " Document NOT found.…
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OpenURL opening multiple webpages.
Hello, I had a question regarding the OpenURL function. This is the code I am running and I think it should open 10 webpages, but it is only opening 1. What is wrong? for i in range(0,…
Remove comma from dmc-print layout
I have a dmc-field which filters the 'Name' field from the 'Employees' table. By inserting the dmc-field in the print layout, each "Name" field is divided by a comma.…
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Badges on TABS
@Jacques TUR and others. Using Ninext is it possible to add a badge to a TAB? In the screenshot below you can see I have a TAB to view the notes related to a particular Location.…
Button. On click - No empty fields and if there’s a dup confirm before adding record via dialog
I’m trying to make sure all the important fields are filled out when adding new record and if such record already exists to ask for confirmation before proceeding.…
Check box in list view?
Hi! I am currently trying to migrate from FileMaker to Ninox. I am still rather a beginner. In file maker I had check boxes in each row off the table in list view.…
Formula to Count item per Week
Hi I Need a Formula to count the amount of 'Rev A' per Week Example Week 15 - 3 Week 16 - 1
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count lines of text
Formula to count the lines of text in a text field? e.g. April is the cruellest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain. to yield 4
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E-mail Gmail
Hi ! Is it possible to automate or send an email with a button but without going through the default Ninox system? I would like to be able to send emails from Gmail webmail because I prefer to use my…
convert formula to NINOX LANGUAGE
HOW CAN I GET THIS FUNCTION WORKING IN NINOX? I am trying to have a table that keeps the working hours for each day of the week, and a holiday table to store closed dates ,…