Top left Global search

I never use the Global Search top left because it really does need some refinement by Messrs Ninox before it really comes into its own.  For one users need to be able to choose columns.

But never mind I used it to search with a record ID rather than drill down to the record.  I have to say it's pretty quick and handy.  

Has anyone looked into hacking/tweaking the global search to make it a better experience?

3 replies

    • Pieter_de_Bruin
    • 11 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    I use it often to get quick some search results.

    What I did for testing:

    Some search results from BING.

    1.690 results as CSV.


    Searching in Rons Data Edit (CSV Editor).

    Search = linkedin ninox

    If I use 'match all', I get 120 results.


    Searching in the file it self: 120 results.



    Searching with the search box on the left: 52 results.


    What I think; is that searching with the left search box searches for exact words. So ninoxplatform would not be found?

    And the search in the file is 'contains' and case insensitive.


    What I do is searching for a string of words to get better results.

    • Mel_Charles
    • 11 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    I have removed the Global Search flag from all the fields I an not interested in (including the main one on the table form itself!


    That way when I use global I only get a company or contact /email/Post Code/part item description which is all i need to find a client etc. I think leaving the global flay on all field just adds to the confusion of data.

    What i would like to see tho is Ninox do the job properly. ie Give a table setting that allows the setting or not of the global search option by default when adding new fields!. The table one at current if set only decides if the table as is included. Like other I have a table with many fileds on it but only want a few to be searched globally!

    Also if I am right I think it only search the first few fields in a table anyway....

    • Pieter_de_Bruin
    • 11 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    It is nice to see only the rows containing the data you are searching for.

    Somehow the results from Global Search (in all the files) and searching in a file differ from each other.


    Is searching like a grep function an idea? 

    Something like this: https://www.powergrep.com/demoemail.html

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  • 11 mths agoLast active
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