double entries
Hi Ninox users,
I'm looking for:
prevent double entries in fields with a warning text popup.
How to do this?
Can someone help me with this?
Regards and thanks
3 replies
Hi Rob, have a look here :
If you are on public cloud or 3.10 of private cloud, you may want to consider creating Pages that users do all of their work in instead of letting them access to the raw data.
Look at this video about dashboards, but now you can use Pages.
This wont stop the double entry but will flag if an existing field has the same data.
ie I use this on a new account customer order id field
the code goes into a formula field set to only display when trigged .
unique reference entered = no display
existing customer reference entered on a new customer = display warning
code for formula field Customer id field is Custid. The upper (custid( is only to urn lower case in to upper case.
let a := upper(Custid);
if cnt((select Customers)[upper(Custid) = a]) > 1 then
styled("A/c Code is in use !", "red")
endeasily adaptable and might help !
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- 1 yr agoLast active
- 3Replies
- 71Views